Jamaica: Caribbean Americans and the American dream

Geoffrey Philp confesses that he had no intention of becoming a Caribbean-American, because he wanted to be known only as a Jamaican writer – but he now realises that Caribbean-Americans “have had a significant role in shaping the conscience of America”.

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  • […] Jamaica: Caribbean Americans and the American dream – Geoffrey Philp confesses that he had no intention of becoming a Caribbean-American, because he wanted to be known only as a Jamaican writer – but he now realises that Caribbean-Americans “have had a significant role in shaping the conscience of America”. Jamaica: Police Corruption – Francis Wade shares his thoughts about police corruption in Jamaica: “At a pay rate that is abysmal, how much can be expected? They have dangerous jobs, in one of the most dangerous cities in the world, and they can barely afford to scratch out a basic existence. Their response is that of the […]Jamaica: The Beauty of Politics – “What does beauty have to with political representation?” asks City Girl, upon hearing the news that a former Jamaican Miss World has been chosen to represent a key political constituency. Jamaica: Customs Woes – The alleged involvement of Caribbean nationals in the recent JFK terror plot complicates Jamaican Marlon James’ entry into the US: “Maybe I do come to the States too much. I have never been to Europe, or Africa, or South America or even most of the Caribbean. Why was I coming to spend quality time […]Jamaica: ?Tis Better to Give – “While we have tremendous problems in the country with thieves, we seem to spend so much of our time beating a system that when something is offered at no cost, we have no idea what to do with it.” Francis Wade has discovered that while the joy is in the giving, Jamaicans make it […] […]

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