Pakistan: World Environment Day

Metroblogging Islamabad on World Environment Day. “In commemoration of the same day, the Ministry of Environment and the United Nation's office in Islamabad jointly screened Al Gore's famous 2005 documentary on global warming called ‘The Inconvenient Truth’ in the Islamabad Club Auditorium. Preceded by addresses by a UN representative Mr. Alvaro Rodriguez and the Minister of State of Environment the audience was educated on the severe effects of global warming all around the world and how scientists and Mr. Al Gore came to know about it. The movie also had a lot on about Al Gore's private affairs and personal life, his political campaigns and his world renowned campaign in the shape of Kyoto Protocol.”

1 comment

  • Niyaz

    I am an aid worker from Islamabad, Pakistan working here with a charity. I can see the effects of the global warming in my surroundings. We dont have to go to the North Pole or South to see the effects. Its happening right here in our surroundings for instance droughts in different parts of the world, change in temperatures and constant melting of glaciers; just the other day there was a Media report about glaciers literally disappeared somewhere in Bolivia. I would like to suggest for an urgent meeting of environmentalists and activists from civil society to come forward and take actions instead of long debates and meetings. We have to practicaly do something and now is the right time, its still not too late. We can save our planet by sacrificing a bit. I would like to hear from you people. The issue is not related to one particular town, city, state or country, its a global issue and we all come forward and do something regardless of our race, cast and believes.

    I look forward to hearing from you people.

    Have a great day


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