This morning, MoTIC has posted that the websites of Ryanair, a popular low-cost airline which recently began offering flights to Morocco, has been blocked.
Une partie de la censure de Maroc Telecom se fait pour des raisons économiques pour défendre ses propres produits (comme la téléphonie longue distance en bloquant des services de VoIP) ou pour défendre certains intérêts économiques du gouvernement ou d'entreprises publiques. C'est le cas pour la compagnie aérienne Royal Air Maroc que Maroc Telecom essaie de protéger au Maroc en bloquant l'accès aux sites de la compagnie aérienne low cost Ryanair.
Maroc Telecom is a branch of a multinational company.
Censorship is done or ordered by governments and not
by private sector.
How come in Morocco,Maroc Telecom keeps censoring wesites like youtube,etc..and now Ryanair.?
I wonder if Maroc Telecom is a state inside the state of Morocco doing the job the Moroccan government should do by itself.
Lately, when Youtube was blocked in Morocco, nobody in this country could answer openly who was behind this closure of youtube.
And I still wonder who’s in charge in Morocco and who’s giving a company the authority to act as a censor.
The website of Ryanair is experiencing problems in Europe. I do not believe it was censored in Maroc. In Malta it is also not working
I wouldn’t be so hasty to blame Maroc Telecom, I’m in Sweden and Ryanair’s has been down here all day today (2/6), and it’s down in the UK as well. It seems they’re having some trouble with their servers.
Of course, if Maroc Telecom are doing this, they should bear in mind that in every destination they’ve added Ryanair, and the other LCC’s, tend to expand the total market for air-travel from that location rather than cannibalise the other carriers, and there are plenty of travellers that will only travel to places serviced my the LCC’s so lots of tourists who wouldn’t come before will come now. It’s win-win for Morocco.
Well, now that MT has blocked youtube for a couple of days, it became blamable for any technical difficulties that may encounter any website in the world, that’s good for them, I never liked Maroc telecom anyway
MT didn’t blocked the site web of Rayan Air , as said previously , Rayan Air has troubles in the internal system.
If it’s true that MT blocked their website , why other competitors are still working ? why didn’t she block more that one ?
Ryanair website blocked aswell in scotland since 3 days at least…Any news???
I’m in Birmingham, England. been blocked here for three days also!! Any news!!
I tested access to the websites of Ryanair, with the help of a friend, at the same time in Morocco and in France. In France, all was ok but in Morocco, it was unreachable. It does not have the symtoms of a hosting problem. We’ll continue checking this.
Here in Malta the ryanair website has been inaccessible for the last three days. I had to fall at the mercy of Air Malta prices in making an urgent reservation.
Ryanair would better the fast to solve the problem as otherwise her sales and reputation will go down from low to none!
Hi. I’ve tried for three days now to reach from Stockholm in Sweden without any success. They must lose a lot of money over this issue.