1 June 2007

Stories from 1 June 2007

China: Liveblogging from ground zero

  1 June 2007

Seeing all the media censorship regarding the controversy over a toxic and risky chemical plant in the works, Bullog bloggers didn't just write about it every day. They went down to the resulting protest and live-blogged it.

Hungary: A Wi-Fi Village

Free wi-fi covers an obscure village in Hungary, making it possible for the residents – most of whom are Roma – “to finish their studies, obtain a profession, and then,...

Chile: Issues of Broadband Access and Net Neutrality

  1 June 2007

The issues regarding who controls broadband access and net neutrality in Chile was brought to the forefront, when Pepe Huerta, an assistant to a Chilean deputy, posted about a private meeting in which many of the telecommunication officials, governmental officials, and legislators were present. Huerta is working on a law proposal that would for example, limit which connections are able to be called "broadband".

India: Education and the Government

  1 June 2007

The Indian Economy Blog does a series of posts on education in India. “In the broadest terms, the government of India is an extractive and exploitative system created specifically for...

India: The Next President

  1 June 2007

Indian Muslims runs a poll on their blog on the preferred next President of India. “On 16th May 2007 we started a poll requesting our readers to vote for their...