C.hileno continues to write about the smog in the city of Santiago. On the days that it does rain in the city, he highly suggests to take advantage and watch the snow-capped mountaintops while you can. However, his conclusion is that “the smog makes Santiago unlivable, according to my humble standards.” Even with this poor overview of the Chilean capital city, it still does not rank in the top 10 of most polluted cities.
Who cares about a list made by people who don’t live in any of these cities let alone in Chile. Why is this rank so important. Does Santiago have to achieve high levels of smog before before something is done about? It is better to prevent than to correct. No wonder Chile despite it’s “growth” is still viewed as a third-world country.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
3 factors:
Rate of Impacts due to Global Trade, Compare historical records to contemporary issues.
State Economy, Run regressions on several key industries that contribute to variations of smog, and compare them to revenues and possible smog tax implementations in the future.
Pacific Coastal Modeling and Comparing Demographics, Case Study: Coastal Los Angeles, Los Angles basin verses San Bernardino inland, develop a “virtual” model of Santiago using post data collected from California.
Santiago City Planning, and Chile State Stationary and Mobile Emissions Sources of smog. Include: Temuco, Talca, Concepcion, Valdivia, Vina and Vaplo, La Serena and Coquimbo.
The idea is to create incentives to relocate industries to non-smog prone locations within state to increase relocation of residents to other regions effectively. Industries equate to jobs, but in non-smog prone environments. Tax the uses to fund the relocation. Invest in Clean Air as a mandate to do business in Chile from outside companies seeking to do business in Chile. Start a Countrywide PR program targeting global companies that exploit, pay marginal tax and that are the biggest contributers to pollution and health effects.
What do you think? Got a job for me? I am somewhat connected with the ecological community throughout California and I presently live in the soup of Santiago. For me, the whole smog thing is a bad cliche of excuses for not taxing the shit out of big biz.
Top 10 lists are rarely comprehensive or well-researched.