Malaysia: Blog Directory Thoughts

Unspun is asking readers to share their thoughts on Malaysia largest newspaper and a legal gambling group joining together to form a bloggers directory.


  • NoVisit

    Westerners have to fear, that Malaysia will end up like Pakistan one day.
    Travel to Malaysia should be discouraged.
    Singapore is an orderly state; a state, where visitors feel welcome and safe.
    In Malaysia, there is an overpopulation of Malaysian-Malays; this demographic development will result in higher crime levels.
    The recent case of Lina Joy has proven to the civilized part of the international community, that Muslims expect all kinds of favours from others, yet are unwilling to grant human rights to others.
    We hope, that the world will rush to the defence of Singapore, should Malaysian-Malays one day decide to run amuk.

  • David

    Discouraging travel to Malaysia does not resolve anything. What is needed is even more travel to Malaysia so that the Malays come into even more contact with the civilized world. Malays are like every other ethnic group – some are bad but most are just ordinary folks who mean well. So shutting them off because of the few does no one any good. We need to engage them in a friendly and even loving manner. We need to expose them to the wider world of freedom.

    The problem with radical Islam is that it thrives on intimidation and fear. It will not allow room for challenge and critique because it knows it is hollow and empty. So it keeps its “followers” in check through intimidation and fear. But one day that will all fall apart for you cannot contain the human spirit in indefinite fear.

    Lina Joy may be “denied” her freedom by the two Malay judges who ruled against her but no one can ever take away her real freedom. That right belongs only to God and God has looked down with favour upon Lina Joy. What we need to do is to pray for her that God will give her wisdom, strength and courage for the journey ahead. God already has a place for her in His kingdom and no man can take that away from her. God bless you Lina Joy! Well done! Keep up the good fight of faith!

  • David

    You yourself don’t even practice democracy and free speech. You deleted the comments I posted earlier. So please stop calling the kettle black. You are just as bad if not worse than those you seek to condemn.

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