My Himachal on women protesting against liquor stores. “During past one month more than fifty Mahila Mandals of the district have registered their strong protests with the Sub Divisional Magistrates of their areas and Deputy Commissioner of the district against the liquor meanness which was now approaching their rural homes.”
Himachal has strongest Liquor lobby and hard part is Government is also part of it. Such a small and peaceful state but yet so many problems. Where the heck planning commission sleeping? Cant they get some pther jobs to liqur contractors?
thanks for your comments please carry on such social welfare works. Infact I wish to narrate the plight of Himachali people in brief. on the one side governemtn of Himachal Pradesh was spenting over four crores of rupees on the anti liquor awareness programme and on the other hand government had declared its open liquor policy and was granting liquor vend on demands to the Panchyats. noble people of this hill state were still un aware of conspiresy being hetched against them by their govt.