China: Splitting hairs over stem cells

Stem cell research—it's an old topic, but it's also a top topic, at least for today as two key Chinese public intellectuals—one a tv news personality and the other a crusader against intellectual fraud and traditional Chinese medicine—battle it out on their PhoenixTV blogs.

It started with this post yesterday from Chai Jing:


Behind all technology there lies life



On the plane.
Old Fan and I are going to do a program on traffic in Chongqing: where the problems in the system are, which departments to interview, as I put our plan down on paper we start chatting up a storm.
The man sitting on my right says, “sorry, may I cut in?”
We look at him in surprise.
“You're from News Probe, right? Let me tell you, you report stories like these, but we're numb to them all.”
Old Fan and I look at each other, then I carefully ask, “because there's too many stories?”
“No,” he says, “it's that you never give us the feeling that these people who die could just as well be people we know.”
“Two days ago there was the Virginia Tech shootings, and the American media interviewed every single family involved, telling every single person's story, showing their pictures, including the killer's. Those commemorating even wrote the shooter a letter: ‘our sympathy for you is stronger than our hate”. The only way to get people to care is to let viewers feel that those in the midst of the tragedy could be sitting there right next to them.”
“Yeah, you're right, of course, but we were only talking about specific technical issues just now.”
“No,” he says, “behind every technology there lies life.”
I turn to look at this man.
He explains, saying “I work in stem cell cloning technology research, at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.”
Having invested twenty years in the subject, this ex-technology fanatic says, “in the future, who will be able to dominate research into stem cell research, who will be able to occupy an advantageous position in the competitive field of biotech, these will be major matters related to national economies and people's livelihoods.”
He's the recipient of the highest award given out by the world congress on regenerative medicine.
“And then,” he says, “I came across a problem I had no choice but to deal with.”
Stem cells are the core of regenerative medicine, which relies on embryo research.
In China there are no ethical restrictions, no religious demands, and the use of embryos in experiments is relatively unproblematic as most people don't consider embryos to be alive. The vote on the United Nations General Assembly legal committee's “political declaration banning human cloning” was opposed by China, Belgium, England and several other countries.
But in 2003, in Hong Kong for a lecture, he was asked by one Buddhist: “from which point does life begin?”
He was stumped by this question.
Actually, he was clear in that “a fourteen day-old embryo cell has a responsive nervous system, is able to perceive light and heat.”
He once believed this kind of perception was meaningless.
Later, one day, at work, he suddenly stopped and unconsciously began staring at a cloned sheep.
“From the look in its eyes you could tell that it could see people.”
He said, “with this in mind, I couldn't go on not thinking about what I was doing at work, whether people wanting greedily to keep on living via these means was right or wrong, even wondering if we were actually saving people or destroying them, if this had something to do with human samsara; what if the Sphinx was a remnant of the last time humans were cloned?”

In my notes that day, I wrote the following line: “using technology when people fall short in healing people isn't just to build a successful career or to serve a nation's interests, but to serve life itself.”
Seven days in Chongqing, bordering on hopelessness, to able to find those people who passed away long ago, that photograph of a smiling baby slapping her mother, the mother who every holiday goes downstairs and waits for the daughter to show up but never does, that's what this conversation was about.

Next on the blog.PhoenixTV page set up especially for this blog battle comes Fang Zhouzi's retort:


No, behind all technology there doesn't lie life


Last night one netfriend posted a blog post from the renowned CCTV reporter Chai Jing, ‘Behind all technology there lies life’ and I immediately wrote a rebut for a newspaper column. Today I see this column has already been reprinted abroad and had great impact, so I feel the need to say a few more lines.


Within Chai Jing's piece retelling a conversation with a researcher at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences carrying out stem cell research (namely, Pei Xuetao, the one who likes to introduce himself to people outside the profession as a recipient of “the highest award given out by the world congress on regenerative medicine” as proof of his own authority) contains some basic errors relating to stem cells, which could easily mislead the public into misunderstanding stem cell technology:



1. At fourteen days an embryo's cells begin to split and form three embryonic layers, nervous tissue at this time has yet to appear, so it's impossible as researcher Pei has said for there to be any nervous system response.
2. Human embryo stem cell research makes use of day five embryos which are just a glob no thicker than a needle and have yet to split cells. Except for religious fanatics and those ignorant of the process of embryonic development, nobody would believe that an undivided, feelingless glob of a cell is a person. Every year tens of thousands of these embryos are thrown away at fertility clinics, so I don't know why nobody's getting worked up over those. If someone were to want to see these embryo cells as people on the grounds that if they were implanted into a mother's body they might grow into people, then with the same reasoning I demand every individual sperm cell to be given the same consideration.




The majority of the controversy over embryo stem cell research at present takes place in the United States, started by the ultra-conservative faction of the American religious world with Little Bush's support. The whole world sees America as a joke. It's given other countries in the world a chance to overtake America in research in this field, and a source of hate for America's scientific community. The majority of mainstream American society and the American Senate are in support of embryo stem cell research, it's just Little Bush has abused his presidential veto for his own religious beliefs. Development in the Chinese scientific community has already receives enough obstruction; it's hard to believe that some people still feel there's not enough, and in order to demonstrate their own propriety, are still willing to add a religious constraint?
In light of researcher Pei's misgivings over the goal of stem cell research, even wondering if it amounts to “destroying people”, it's clear he lacks the confidence and desire to do all he can in promoting stem cell research and is unfit to continue as a leader in this issue. Would the related administrative departments please reconsider the necessity of continuing to fund researcher Pei's stem cell research project? Lest China's precious funds for scientific research and taxpayers’ money be squandered away and China's stem cell research possibly given a major setback.

Even directors of China's major scientific research projects doubt the rationale of research and express nonsensical sentiment which misleads the public. How can China's scientists still have hope?

Then Chai Jing's response to that:


Responding to Fang Zhouzi


I didn't get home until quite late and only then did I see the criticism Fang Zhouzi has written. I've copied it below, but first, my own explanations:

1 “世界再生大会的最高奖”,在我的文章里并不是直接引语。裴先生没有提过这个话题,这个消息来自我在网上查到的文章 。


1. “The highest award given out by the world congress on regenerative medicine” I mentioned in my blog post was not a direct quotation. Mr. Pei did not bring this up. This information came from a story [zh] found on my own internet search. I hope nobody misunderstands.


2. Mr. Fang is worried that “China's stem cell research has been dealt a major setback”, and I understand his feeling of concern.
But I think that to only technologize scientific issues, disregard theoretical boundaries and boundaries and considerations of biological safety, to overlook the ultimate goal of scientific research is to bring about a much bigger danger. Otherwise Einstein wouldn't have made the suggestion he did to President Roosevelt on August 2, 1939, to develop the atomic bomb before the Nazis did, and feel the later regret.
In his later years, he once said, “We should take care not to make the intellect our god. It has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality. It cannot lead; it can only serve… The intellect has a sharp eye for methods and tools, but is blind to ends and values.”


3. The main premise of scientific research is to be know one's own ignorance, and bravely question and criticize it. If one, just for having questioned and examined one's own research, is to be considered “misleading the public” and gives rise to the need for “the related administrative departments to reconsider the necessity of continuing to fund their research project”, then I think such a conclusion would be both outrageous and unfair, as well as underestimating the intelligence of the public.
I don't dare say where the hope for China's scientists lies, but I don't think it's in the mad worship of efficiency and success.


This was just a private conversation on an airplane. I'm not a science reporter, and this wasn't a news report, this is just a blog, that's why certain details were written from memory, and when I posted this I had not received Mr. Pei's verification. If Mr. Fang is thinking of carrying out a discussion on specific scientific problems, everything I've written is insufficient to act as proof of any of Mr. Pei's views. You [v. formal usage] need to come to a more accurate understanding by way of far more channels. If you [v. formal usage] need, I can help you get in touch with Mr. Pei himself.

And Fang's re-retort, unresponded to by Chai Jing as of early morning May 24, day three:


Opposition to baloney does not equal opposition to reconsideration: a response to Chai Jing



“Mr. Fang is worried that “China's stem cell research has been dealt a major setback”, and I understand his feeling of concern.
But I think that to only technologize scientific issues, disregard theoretical boundaries and boundaries and considerations of biological safety, to overlook the ultimate goal of scientific research is to bring about a much bigger danger.”

Just how big a danger there would actually be in overlooking these kinds of considerations is another question. But I've never had any problem with such, in fact I support carrying out these kinds of considerations. I only hope everyone, as they consider scientific questions, will rely on dependable facts and not hearsay, that they will maintain a cautious attitude and not resort to sensationalism. With regards to where embryo technology touches upon theoretical issues, I myself have considered this, and my views are based upon mainstream views in the scientific world, at least a little more suitable than researcher Pei's hogwash:

Here Fang gives links to two articles he's had published in mainstream Chinese media, also found on his Sina blog:

  《胚胎与人》(《经济观察报》 2006.8.19)
Again Bush Stirs Up the Stem Cell Storm, Freezing Point, China Youth Daily, July 26, 2006
Embryos and People, Economic Observer, August 19, 2006


“The main premise of scientific research is to be know one's own ignorance, and bravely question and criticize it. If one, just for having questioned and examined one's own research, is to be considered “misleading the public” and gives rise to the need for “the related administrative departments to reconsider the necessity of continuing to fund their research project”, then I think such a conclusion would be both outrageous and unfair, as well as underestimating the intelligence of the public.”


What is the main premise of scientific research? This is a big question, best left for the scientific world to take care of on its own and not according to your assertions based on sparse understanding. Even if it is to “know one's own ignorance”, that doesn't mean just because you're ignorant that everyone's just as ignorant as you are, taking what science knows as proven and treating it as “ignorance”. Researcher Pei might know his own ignorance on the “day fourteen embryo” issue, but as if we must be just as ignorant when it comes to scientific research? “Knowing one's own ignorance” might be a kind of virtue, but to see others as just as ignorant as one's self is to lack morality. Scientific research calls for questioning and criticism, but it also calls for these questions and criticisms to have foundation; not any old nonsensical baloney can simply be considered questioning or criticism. If at a conference on human cloning someone starts talking about the Sphinx being a remnant of the last time humans were cloned, not questioning his mental state would already be polite enough, but wouldn't questioning and criticizing it be brave?


A main prerequisite for a scientific research project to gain public funding is in its conductor's clear understanding of the appropriateness and necessity of this project, as well as being determined and wanting to do their best in carrying it out. If he himself has doubts, has reconsiderations, then his first step should be to back out and hand it over to a more appropriate and competent person to complete it. This is basic professional behavior and ethic, as well as a basic requirement for people leading such tasks, nothing outrageous and unfair about it. Einstein never led research and development into the atom bomb. If he had taken on the task yet was opposed to the development of the atom bomb, he definitely would have been replaced. A scientist has the freedom to doubt or oppose any research and development project, but not the right to question or oppose projects that they've taken on. Public R&D projects spend public money, it's not a scientist's private affairs. This much intelligence I think the public at least has.


“This was just a private conversation on an airplane. I'm not a science reporter, and this wasn't a news report, this is just a blog, that's why certain details were written from memory, and when I posted this I had not received Mr. Pei's verification. If Mr. Fang is thinking of carrying out a discussion on specific scientific problems, everything I've written is insufficient to act as proof of any of Mr. Pei's views. You [v. formal usage] need to come to a more accurate understanding by way of far more channels. If you [v. formal usage] need, I can help you get in touch with Mr. Pei himself.”


I know all about the views researcher Pei has published in proper venues, but sometimes private discussions are best able to reflect a person's real thoughts. Inconsistent details are one thing, but an entirely misguided viewpoint is another. If journalist Chai is completely mistaken on researcher Pei's views then it's journalist Chai's problem and not reseracher Pei's. However, I have confidence in journalist Chai's news judgement, all the more so as some things don't seem like something a non-science reporter would be able to come up with.

Who are these people? In absence of English-language wikipedia entries on either of these nationally-known public figures, the self-introductions from their PhoenixTV blogs read:

Fang Zhouzi
方舟子,本名方是民,1967年9月生于福建云霄县。1995年获美国密歇根州立(Michigan State)大学生物化学博士学位,先后在罗切斯特(Rochester)大学生物系、索尔克(Salk)生物研究院做博士后研究,研究方向为分子遗传学。目前定居美国加利福尼亚州,从事互联网开发、写作和兼任美国生物信息公司的咨询科学家。为中文互联网的先驱者之一。2000年创办中文网上第一个学术打假网站”立此存照”,揭露了多起科学界、新闻界等学术腐败现象,美国《科学》曾两次专文介绍。

Fang Zhouzi, born Fang Shimin in September, 1967 in Yunxiao county, Fujian province. In 1995 he earned his PhD in Biology from America's Michigan State University, from there going to the biology department at Rochester University and later, post-PhD research at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in molecular genetics. Currently residing in California and working in internet development, as a writer and part-time as a consulting scientist for the American D'Trends Bioinformatics corporation[*see below]. A pioneer in the Chinese internet. In 2000 created the first Chinese-language fake science debunker website, exposing many cases of corruption from the science, news and academic worlds as mentioned in two feature articles in the American magazine Science.

And Chai Jing?
现为《新闻调查》出境记者 主持人。记者不仅是我的职业身份,做新闻也是我生存的一种方式,记者的天职就是调查事实的真相。以前,做电台的时候,我喜欢说,这是一个像流沙一样的世界。那是非常文艺和情绪的字眼,而 2000 年接近 25 岁的时候,我在一本书的扉页上写下:现在是时候该蹲下来观察地面上的沙粒了,观察它们的湿度、密度、结构、流向和探究为什么这样流向的原因。我庆幸,在迈入成年的门槛时,从自我的世界里走了出来,开始关心他人,关心社会公共事务,关心将自己和这个世界联系在一起的东西。

Current on-the-spot reporter and announcer for News Probe. Journalist is not just my professional identity, news work is just part of the way I live my life; a journalist's vocation is just to investigate the facts and the truth. Before when I was working in radio, I liked to say that this world is like quicksand. Such literary and emotional wording, in 2000 when I was nearly 25, I wrote this line: now is the time to get down and observe the grains of sand on the ground, observe their moisture levels, their density, their makeup and direction flow, explore the reasons why they move thus. I'm grateful, that on the threshold of mid-age, I'm walking out from the world of my ego and paying care to society's public affairs, the things that connect me and this world together.

[Nov. 12, 2007 update: it has been pointed out that Mr. Fang has never worked for the D'Trends corporation, and a correct introduction would describe Mr. Fang as “an independent consulting scientist for an American bioinformatics company.”]


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