As fighting in Lebanon continues between the Lebanese Army and Fateh el Islam, Tom Felle takes a look at the toll:
“As witnesses said there are bodies strewn on the streets inside the camp, the body count from the deadliest fighting to hit Lebanon for two decades hit 80 yesterday.
Lebanon’s army resumed their bombardment of the camp early yesterday morning after a lull overnight. Militants inside the camp responded with machine gun and mortar fire.
The Red Cross, the UN and other international agencies spent he day trying to broker a ceasefire so they could enter the camp and evacuate casualties and more than 30,000 Palestinian civilians trapped inside.
Conditions inside the camp were descried as dire with no electricity, limited food supplies and water fast running out.
More than 200 people have been wounded in the attacks, and dozens of homes and buildings in the camp, in Tripoli and in Beirut have been damaged or destroyed.”