The campaign against the Bible was started by an anonymous website, truthbible, on 15 of May to protest against the Obscene Articles Tribunal's (OAT) internim ruling that two issues of Chinese University's student paper were indecent.
Uptill now, the website has received 2041 complaints, while the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (Tela) has received more than 2,300 before the weekend. Spokeperson from the Tela said that they wouldn't hand over the Bible to the OAT because Bible is a classic and its value has been recognised by the community.
The website cites a number of texts and stories from the Bible to show that it is full of violence, obscenity and discrimination, such as description of incest between father and daughters, rape, etc. However, the action actually gains support from Christians who want to use Bible for defending freedom of speech in Hong Kong.
In an internet joint statement (via, it said:
我們不要忘記歷史的教訓:十六世紀宗教改革家加爾文生平最大污點,是對異見者塞爾維特 (Michael Servetus) 的殘酷逼害。
cowcfj is an individual blogger joining the campaign, here is his explanation:
Memory-Melody-Mentality quotes Malcolm X to explain the spirit of this action, the ultimate objective is an apology from OAT for their mistake:
著名黑人民權鬥士Malcolm X 曾說:「你跑到他的宮邸,希望他改正問題--但偏偏問題就是他製造出來的。他就是罪犯。你不要把你的事交給罪犯,你應該把罪犯送到 (國際) 法庭。」我們都只是一群小市民,我們沒有能力把淫審處送到國際法庭,但我們有能力吸引世界的目光。我們將繼續以荒謬回應荒謬,我們會一直嘗試再一次讓路透社的oddly enough 報導香港,直至淫審處面對他的錯誤,公開道歉。
Since the Tela has refused to hand over the case to the tribunal, plastichk further questions the selective prosecution practice:
請問一聲,影視處是根據哪一條法律,去判斷「源遠流長的宗教文獻或文學作品」有豁免審查的特權 (Immunity)?
“Moral standard” is changing according to time, it might be acceptable in the past, but it doesn't mean that it is acceptable in the future. Please notice that Tela is an “administrative body”, it is not a tribunal or court –we can conclude that it is selective prosecution.
Should we decide to be silent about that, or should we confront this unjust practice? Whether to complain to The Office of The Ombudsman (trans. note: a government body against abusive administrative power)? or to collect money for judicial review? Please think hard on this.
ESWN has translated the CU student magazine's questionaire which touched upon incest and animal love. Last week, the OAT warned a local newspapers that its report on the student magazine issue had also violated the indecency and obscenity ordinance as it had made some direct quotes from the questionaire. Therefore, by translating the questionaire, ESWN also ran the risk of a maximum fine of HK$400,000 and 12 months in jail.
Ooops… by linking to ESWN's article here at GVO, I will be in the same boat. Now you might get the meaning of using farce (complaint on Bible) against farces (OAT's ruling against student magazine and obscene hyperlink).
If you pay attention to the context in the Bible where there is “indecent” material, it is about the cultural decline of the Israelites over time as they became more like the surrounding Canaanite cultures over time.
Maybe the HK people should read the entire bible before they start judging it. Forming an opinion by taking bits and pieces of it is ignorance at best.