Kuwait: Walkways, Development, Sports and Unknown ‘Brands’

Construction cranes are seen all over Kuwait – building everything from pedestrian walkways for people to exercise in their own neighbourhoods to skyscrapers and mega malls.

Kuwaiti bloggers give us a preview of all that, plus an insight to a near disaster in a sports club, where spectators can literally fall to their doom if they focus on the game too much.

1001 Kuwaiti Nights reviews the the different pedestrian walkaways in Kuwait, which one of them is nice and the best times to walk in them.

The word “mamsha” is what Kuwaitis call a walkway usually constructed within residential areas. I think these walkways are a great idea since they allow residents to do a little exercise somewhere close to home and for free. This is my review of some of the walkways in Kuwait.

From walking in neighbourhoods, Satori takes us on a small tour of Kuwait in his blog SWA Travel Log.

Construction cranes (yellow) are everywhere in Kuwait. “Skyscrapers”, really just tall apartment buildings, are going up everywhere.

Marzouq at zdistrict checks out the avenues the newest mall in Kuwait.

For the first time I have been to Avenues since it open, I took my mother there to check it out and see what all the fuss is about. First off its very spacious and there seems to be a lot of parking and different points to enter it. This is only Phase 1 based on what I understand but it's still pretty big and they have only opened about 60% of the shops in Phase 1 so more and more will be opening.

posts about something a relative of hers found.

My niece, checking on Kuwaiti Censorship, went to the Ministry on Information where she found this statement:

الإذاعة والتلفزيون

على الإنترنت

حتى إشعار أخر

Audio & Video Streaming is stopped

until further notice

And I just checked it, but I can’t figure out if it means they are discontinuing audio and video streaming from their site, or if they intend to discontinue audio and video streaming in Kuwait?

Hamad briefs us about his experience at a local youth soccer game.

كدت أفقد حياتي قبل عدة أيام..حين ذهبت لمشاهدة مباراة في كرة القدم لفئة الناشئين..!
المباراة أقيمت في ملعب نادي كاظمه ..الملعب رقم 2..وهو الذي تقام عليه مباريات الشباب والناشئين..
طبعا قد تتفاجئون ان قلت لكم ان بعض هذه المباريات.. يحضرها جمهور اكثر من مباريات الدرجة الاولى..
وصلت متأخرا بعض الشئ..
وعند صعودي المدرج..كانت هناك هجمة خطيرة لنادي الكويت (ناديي المفضل)..ولذلك صعدت المدرج.. وانا انظر تجاه الملعب..
لم انتبه الا على صرخة احد المشجعين..(دير بالك..دير بالك ..لا تطيح)..نظرت للاسفل..ويا للهول..لقد نجوت باعجوبه من السقوط ..وربما الموت..!
مدرج خشبي متهالك..اظن ان تاريخ ميلاده..هو تاريخ افتتاح النادي..الكسور في كل مكان فيه ..انها مصيبه..وكارثه..لو ان احدا قد سقط..
لانه في احسن الاحوال..سيعيش معاقا طوال عمره..
ايها السيدات والساده..هل تعلمون من هو رئيس نادي كاظمة..؟
انه اسعد البنوان.. رئيس مجلس ادارة شركة الاتصالات المتنقله..اقوي الشركات وانجحها على الاطلاق..وصاحبة اعلى سهم في البورصة الكويتية..
ومع ذلك لم ينتبه الى حالة هذا المدرج الكارثه..ولم يتمكن من اصلاحه..اصلحه الله..هو واعضاء مجلس ادارته..!
ونادي كاظمه ..لمن لا يعلم..هو احد الاندية الكبيرة والعريقة في الكويت..وهذا هو حاله..فكيف هو الحال في الاندية الصغيره..؟
هذا هو الوضع الرياضي في الكويت..لاعبون هواة..مدربون سكه..ملاعب محفره..ثم مدرجات مكسره..
ومع ذلك يتساءلون.. لماذا لا نفوز..؟!!
(على فكره هذه الصور لجزء صغير من المدرج..انها غيض من فيض..ولو اردت تصوير كل الاجزاء المكسوره..لما كفاني مئة صورة اخرى)..

I nearly lost my life few days ago when I went to watch a youth league soccer game. The game was in Kazma club, in field number two and its the one that the under 17 and youth games are played. Of course you may be amazed if I tell you that some of these games get more crowd attendance than the league games.
I was a bit late and when I climbed the terrace there was an attack for Kuwait Club (my favourite club). This is why I ascended the terrace while watching the field. Someone from the crowd shouted ‘WATCH OUT! WATCH OUT! DON'T FALL!’ I looked down and oh my God. It was by a miracle that I survived falling and maybe death.
A wooden terrace, built when the club was opened and broken in every place, is a catastrophe and a disaster if one fell down. In the best scenario, he will live crippled for the rest of his life.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you know who is the president of Kazma Club?
It's Mr Asa'ad Al Banwan, the chairman of MTC, one of the most biggest and most successful companies and the one with the highest stock value in the Kuwait Stock Exchange.
And Kazma Club, for those who do not know, is one of the oldest and largest clubs in Kuwait. If this is how it looks like, how would small clubs be?
This is how sports is in Kuwait – amateur players, bad coaches, playing fields with potholes and broken terraces. And then they ask why we don't win!
(Just to note: These are photographs of small parts of the terrace. If I wanted to take photos of the whole broken terrace, 100 photos wouldn't be enough to show it.)

Qaiss Gives us a friendly advice that explains a bit of how businesses work in Kuwait.

Original Equipment Manufacturing, OEM; so what kind of products are they: they are the “WANSA, MUSHRIQ, ELECTROZAN” you know, the electronic products sold all over Kuwait that we never heard of as brands. I mean what is wansa really or Mushriq electronics or the new electorzan shop. These products are all called OEM, its when one company buys a certain technology from another manufacture and names it with his own

Last but not least, K.Thekuwaiti posts about the Kuwaiti team in Gumball 3000 race.

Kuwait finally has a team in the Gumball 3000 .. Khaled Al-Mudhaf has gone and entered his yellow LP640 in the 2007 rally (complete with a Kuwaiti flag on the roof) as Team # 054

Photo courtesy of intlxpatr.

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