China: Memedia Issue 5: 10 years Blogging, Google PR, Money Craze

Memedia Issue 5 roundup for the blogsphere, which includes 10 years anniversary of blogging, Google's PR strategy, stock market, private fund and many more.


一个互联网媒体,可能奋斗多年都没有达到PR 6或者PR 7,为什么很多Blogger能够达到这么高的评值呢blog10岁啦,如果把这些价值利用起来又是什么呢?台湾Blogger年会召开,大马网志年会也开催 啦,而且域名(MyBloggercon )看着很惹眼,看来真的要注册bloggercon.asia才对,你看连日本的小学生都开始写blog学习如何报道新闻了亚洲真可能是未来最活跃的大脑群体 。所以就连草莓周刊都有人抄袭不误 ,看来草根媒体真的越来越有价值了。草媒的兴起对衡量一个人的专业水平 也带来了全新的诠释。法新社BB 允许Blogger一键免费采用他们的新闻图片 作为Blog内容,似乎也看到了传统媒体的开放延伸和草根媒体的互补。数百年来,分销往往是媒体控制的关键点,这一法则被大大小小的媒体公司所熟练应用,而现在,这一切正在终止。互联网的精神是分享,而世界上发行量最大的杂志遵循的就是这不成文的分享协议。

[Tech & Internet]

An Internet media may struggle for years not having achieved PR 6 or PR 7. Why have so many Bloggers achieved such high ratings? Blog is now 10 years old, what if their value are utilized? With Taiwan Bloggers BoF being held, inaugural Malaysian Chinese blog awards on its way, and the domain name(MyBloggercon) looking fairly eye-catching, it seems to be the best if domain name were to be registered. Even the Japanese pupils are beginning to write blogs and learning how to make news reports. Maybe Asia really is the future of the most active brain groups. So the Strawberry Weekly is being plagiarized anyway: the grass-roots media is seemingly to become more worthwhile. The rise of grass-roots media has brought a whole new interpretation to assess a person's professionalism. Allowing the Bloggers to use their news pictures free of charge with one-click, AFP BB seem to have seen the mutual complement between the opening and extension of traditional media and the grass-roots. Distribution has always been a control point for media, and it's been leveraged masterfully for centuries by media companies large and small. But now, all these have come to an end. The spirit of Internet iis sharing, and the world's largest circulation magazine is following this unwritten sharing agreement.

社会化网络的发展 ,使得我们越来越开放个人的隐私也更加暴露 ,或许某一天我们都将无处躲藏。国外也开始讨论起blog的行为规范。不管是文明还是压制 ,反正暂时很难适用于中国。因为GFW早已经是密不透风,微软这次难得证实部分共享空间的IP地址受到了GFW的屏蔽。 更有意思的是,百度日本据说已经在中国不能访问 了。连只谈技术的BXNA也会被GFWed,这是意料之外,情理之中的事情。何况即使鹦鹉学舌,也还是能够招来额外的关怀。还有粉丝的不幸,也是被和谐的目标 。等到今年年中,全国各地网站的“警警”、“察察”正式上岗 后,群众相互监督、自我揭发的革命意识可能会更加高涨。

Social network development has enabled us to become more open, the privacy of individuals are more exposed. Perhaps one day we will all have nowhere to hide. The Blogging Code of Conduct is being discussed abroad. Suppression or civilization, whichever will be difficult to apply in China, for GFW has long been absolutely governing. Microsoft confirmed that the IP addresses of some Windows live spaces have been shielded by GFW. To make it more interesting, Baidu Japan is reportedly not be able to visit in China. Even the merely technical BXNA is GFWed. It is unexpected but inferable. Even copying other's words is able to provoke some additional concern, and the misery of fans is also the target to be “harmonized”. Till the middle of this year, having the “cyber cops” positioned for their formal appointments on every website all over the country, the mass's revolutionary consciousness of mutual supervision will be increased even more.

没有了互联网,我们将会怎样?据说35.8%的人将会手足无措 。 那么没有了人类,地球将会怎样 ?据说需要20万年才能消除掉人类留下的痕迹。

How will we live without the Internet? It's said that 35.8% people would become helpless. Then how the Earth will be without human being? It is said to need 200 thousand years to eliminate every human vestige.


王小波这只“特立独行的猪”,在这个猪年已经是逝世十周年了,时间没有忘掉他 ,但我们还是沉默的大多数。不过今天,终于有越来越多的人 开始提出类似“自己的税到哪里去了 ”这样的问题,无论如何中国人的“自由思考 ”(Free Thinking )能力在加强,还是拜开放的互联网所赐。


Wang Xiaobo, an independent and alternative pig, it has been ten years since he died, although we never forget about him, most of us are still keeping silence. But today, finally, there are more and more people start asking questions like‘ Where has all our Tax gone? ‘ and etc. No matter how stronge Chinese ‘ Zi You Si Kao ‘ (Free Thinking) is, we have to thank the internet.

八部委日前下发《关于保护未成年人身心健康实施网络游戏防沉迷系统的通知》 ,从2007年4月15日起,在全国网络游戏中推广防沉迷系统。因为担心这套系统会令游戏产业发展过热 ,所以还要与实名注册配套 。 实名制愈演愈烈,就会有人研究一下隐身斗篷如何做 。现在什么都要证明,恐怕只有死人不用办证了,但更可怕的是,我们连死都死不起了。高天虎是否冤枉 ,倒不是说说的事情。但是崔英杰能够免死,是妥协的胜利吗沈阳的运钞员枉杀无辜福建运钞员抢钱重庆运钞员临死不救北京运钞员威胁著名作家 。运钞人员是一个特殊心理群体,但是是否整个社会都有非安全感呢?难道我们非要每天“感叹/今天/幸运/竟然/没有/被/运钞员/击毙 ”? 妇女儿童的安全感问题太严重寻找彭乐的爱心传递 开始了,请大家多多留心。是否能够建立更好的社会防范机制?不知道重庆的警察用上了装甲车 ,到底是否更有效?

Recently, eight Chinese governmental departments, including National Bureau of Statistics of China, Ministry of Construction of the P.R.C, and Ministry of Land and Resources of the P.R.C. etc proclaimed ‘The announcement for the implementation of anti-addicted to internet games system for protection of young people's physical and spiritual health’. It has been promoted all over China since April 15th, 2007. Worrying about that this system would make the pc games overheating, they ask for logging in with real names. As the real name registration has become more widespread, some will research on how to make the concealed cover. Nowadays, everything has to be certified, except for the dead people, what is worse, we can not afford to die. It was not easy to tell whether Gao Tianhu was innocent or not. However, was it the success of the compromise that Cui Yingjie was exempted the death penalty? A cash consignment guard in Shen Yang has killed an innocent person, another security guard in Fujian committed in robbery, a Chong Qing cash consignment guard refused to save a dying people, and the Beijing cash consignment guard threatened a famous writer. Those cash consigment guard is a special psychological group, however, does our society feel safe? Do we have to ‘Thank god that / Today / We are so lucky that / We have not been / Shot to death / By / the cash consigment guard ‘ everyday? The sense of security of women and children is too much, for they started searching for Peng Le again, please pay attention. Can we build up a better social defense mechanism? Is it effective for Chong Qing policemen using armored cars?

厦门化工项目 遭到众多政协委员的反对,厦门人民现在却被完全蒙在鼓里(这个本地的blog 正在不断的记录着自己的所见所闻),草根媒体的声音能否影响到地方政策 呢?这实在令人拭目以待。看到菲律宾的blogger甚至影响到总统选举,我们的草媒要走的路还很长呢。要记住,公民社会不是恩赐的 。 不过今天的政府能够愈来愈领悟到NGO/NPO对善政的作用 ,也许这是社会的一个良好开端。其实政府确实有很多力所不逮的地方,如果“扶贫”不是走形式 ,应当多多开放非盈利性组织的力量。 但是只谈扶贫济困,不谈社会公正,就像往一只没有底的空杯子里倒水

Chemical project in Xia Men was opposed by many political consultative committee members, while Xia Menese are still in the dark about this(This local blog has been recording what the blogger saw and heard.) Whether the grassroot voices could infuence the local governmental strategies is still a question. The Philipine's bloggers have infuenced the election, whereas our grassroot media has yet a long way to go. Remember: Civil society has never been a given. Nowadays, the government is realizing the function of NGO/NPO for perfecting the politics, and it could be a good start. Actually the government is powerless in many aspects, if ‘Support the Poor’ was not just a show, they should give more space to the NPO's efforts. However talking about supporting the Poor without refering to social justice is just like puring water into a glass without bottom.

上海的水很深,还是北京海淀区 的水更深,趟了才知道。今天世界之小,无论贪官跑到那里,都未必能够找到天堂 ,因为四海皆有中国人 ,跑得了和尚跑不了庙。
新书《辩证法随谈》面世, 李瑞环在谈到民主改革时说:防止奴才庸才掌权,但这篇新闻在雅虎搜藏竟然不能公开,很奇怪!而4月15日,是胡耀邦同志逝世18周年纪念,新闻媒体敢发布这些消息,不知道意味着什么?总理的友好访日被评如何作骚 ,政治家别忘了有民众支持 ,在外交上也才有力量。否则,很容易被“别有用心”的“闲人们”把举世瞩目的人民奥运会和苏丹问题扯在一起 ,还怂恿大导演斯皮尔伯格写信给胡主席 ,真是不应该。

Water in Shanghai is deep, or could it be deeper in Beijing Haidian district? You'll know have to try out. The world is so small today, for wherever corrupted officials hide, they cannot eventually find the Heaven, for Chinese are everywhere, you can run, but you can't hide. A new book ‘Essays of Dialectic’ was published, Li Ruihuan was talking about democratic reform, he said, prevent the flunky and mediocre taking the power, while this news was preserved in Yahoo but couldn't be released, how weird! April 15th,2007 was the 18th anniversary of Hu Yaobang's death, some medias are dare to release such news, what is the implication? The premier's friendly visit to Japan was considered to be a show. However, politician shouldn't forget that the power in diplomacy relies on people's support. Or else, Beijing Olympic Games would be connected with Sudan issue by some “idlers” with secretive motives, and further more, they incited famous director Steven Spielberg to write a letter to Chairman Hu, how dare.


谷狗词库门事件 已经让谷歌变成了公关危机,被人笑话 ,更可能是一个道德危机。或者,谷歌已经从根本上不再有道德上的障碍。谷歌与搜狗的输入法之争愈演愈烈,从知识产权之争已经上升到了民族大义 。但是也有人认为,这和版权无关,不过是个谷歌的丑闻。虽然这是一个孤立事件,但是却是反映了谷歌中国的策略缺失和先天问题 。不过直到如今,也并没有看出Google真正尊重中国用户的建议 。此次事件,有人认为折射出了中国IT行业的肮脏 ,或说这是互联网行业的无奈


Google input method incident has made Google a joke, a public relation crisis, or even a moral crisis. Or, Google is fundamentally no longer bothered by any moral accusation. Elevated from intellectual property dispute to a national matter, the pinyin input method battle between Google and Sougo is getting more and more intense. But some people believe rather than something to do with copyright, it's only a scandal of Google. Although this is an isolated incident, but it is a reflection of the deficiency and congenital problems to Google's China strategy. But until now, Google has shown no sign of actual respect of Chinese customers’ advices. About this issue, some say it reflects the dark side of Chinese IT industry, or that the Internet Industry has no other choice.

在美国“悍然”发起WTO诉讼之前,上海已经开始突击反盗版 。中国反复在此问题上被美国拿捏,无法脱身。如果能够把搜狗和谷歌事件上升到政治层面 ,说不定是一杆好枪。中国的商业环境如何,真的考验不是所谓的“版权”问题,而是是否有公平合理的商业规则。“娃哈哈“事件 将是外资内资税务并轨之后第一个重大的挑战。 中国式的民族主义和愚昧主义已经让徐工成为了半牺牲品 ,是否下一个就是娃哈哈 呢?看看异军突起的Zara ,真的要我们这个服装大国要好好思考下一步的品牌和时尚问题了。

Before the United States “flagrantly” initiated WTO litigation, Shanghai has started an anti-piracy blitz. China is repeatedly accused by the US on this issue, unable to escape. If the issue between Sougo and Google can be elevated to the political level, it might be used as a good weapon to fight back. To analyze the commercial enviroment in China, the real challenge is not the so-called “copyright” problem, but whether it has impartial and reasonable business principles. “Wahaha” incident will be the first major challenge after the merging of foreign and domestic capital's revenue. Chinese nationalism and ignorance have already made XCMG a semi-victim. Will Wahaha be the next one? Think about the sudden rise of Zara. As a big country of clothing industry, maybe we really need to seriously consider the following step for building up our brands and fashions.

私募基金 经过10年的地下操作,终于看到了阳光。这个私募还不是真正的“私募基金”,真正的合伙人制基金或者公司基金还有漫长的道路。私募来的基金,大都是来炒股炒基的短线操作。连创业公司的老板 也不例外,但是要特别提醒股民,当那些上市公司的老板开始买大房子的时候,可能是你削他们股票的最佳时机

After 10 years of underground operation, Private Fund finally saw the sun. This so-called private fund however is not the true “Private Fund”. There is still a long road to genuine partnership funds or company funds. Most of the private funds are gathered for short-term speculation in stock market. Even the bosses of venture companies are no exception. But stock holders should keep this in mind that when those bosses of listed companies are beginning to buy big houses, it may be your best time to cut their stock.


klein Knut , little icebear baby knut电子艺术 已经成为我们生活的一部分,艺术家们不但在用电子设备来创造美感 ,还希望探索人类生活在电子社会中的后现代含义 。而如果Web 2.0可以真正影响人们的生活 ,让人人能够有赚钱的机会 ,那才是真正的1.0+2.0=3.0
可爱的德国动物园小熊Knut已经成了世界的明星 。能够唤醒人们对自然和全球气候的关注 ,Knut算是值得爱护的幸运儿,不仅如此,它还帮助带动柏林动物园的股票飙升 ,真是上帝赐予人类的活宝。


Digital Arts has become part of our lives. Artists not only use electronic equipments to create aesthetics, but also explore the post-modern meaning of human life in the electronic community. Nevertheless, It can be called the real 1.0+2.0=3.0 only if Web 2.0 can actually influence people's lives and give everyone oppotunities to make money. German zoo's lovable polar bear Knut has become a world star. Knut is the lucky one worthy of love ‘N care. Not only has it awakened people's concerns to the natural and global climate, it's also helped to facilitate the Berlin Zoo stocks soaring. What a precious gift of God!

闹剧般的红楼选秀如火如荼,林妹妹一下子就从天上掉下来了16个。 埃及艳后到底美不美 ,也会有人拿出来争 。再看《300》更是一部西方健美史,居然还是主旋律的狂欢。而电影节也正在杀死电影 。现在娱乐和文化界似乎什么事情都离不开炒作,你看王朔的新书 一出就已经被炒得不亦乐乎了,我们是在娱乐还是被愚弄呢?当官方的意识形态需求和商人的金钱冲动各取所需、心照不宣地制造着文治武功、歌舞升平的气象时,观众已经不再是改良社会、创造历史的主体,而不过是可以计入“收视率” 进行市场交易的消费群体。

Hot farce as the selection of actress for “Dream of the Red Chamber” (the Story of the Stone), God has suddenly given us 16 Cousin Lins. There are even people arguing whether Egypt's Great Queen was a beauty or not. And as we watch the Western Bodybuilding History of “300”, surprisingly, we realize it is a Carnival of the Mainstream. And the Film festivals are killing films as well. Now it seems everything in the business of entertainment and culture is inseperable from media hype. Wang Shuo's new book for example, since it's been published, it has been overtly promoted. Are we being entertained or fooled? When the demand of official ideology and the impulse of businessmen's profit pursuit are each taking their own needs, knowingly making an atmosphere of glory and biss, the audience is no longer the actor who transform the society or create history, but a consumer counted as “ratings” in a market transaction.

虽然人类的智力在分布上并没有明显差异,但是聪明药的出现 会让这种分布的均衡在后天改变吗?另一方面,似乎使用互联网的人正在变得更加聪明,而采纳Blog的人也会更加有建设性,网络也能够帮助人们达到一天48小时的能力 ,这些都是人类智力发展的进步因素。但是严肃地说我们教育的未来在哪里呢?

Although there is no significant difference in the distribution of human intelligence, will the emerge of smart drugs bring any acquired change to such balanced distribution? On the other hand, it seems those who use the Internet are becoming smarter, and those who accept Blog is becoming more constructive, and the Internet can help people to have the power of 48 hours a day. These are all advancing factors for the development of human intelligence. But seriously, where is the future of our education?

生活滋味多多,Sabrina 用手绘脑图 告诉你如何做啤酒鸡 ,垂涎欲滴啊。残酷无聊的五一长假又要到了,不妨想想如何打发,是背包行天下 ,走香港印度 ,还是在家里睡大觉 ?不过无论如何,要当心一些黑幕哦。

Life is colorful. Sabrina teaches you how to cook Beer Chichen with sketches, Yum-Yum! And Again, the brutally boring long holiday of Labor Day is about to come. Why not to think about ways to kill some time. How about a bag-pack travel all over the world, or a visit to Hong Kong and India, or a long sleep at home? But whatever you choose, beware of some behind-the-scene plotting.


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