Regarding an upcoming May 9 Préval visit to the White House, Collectif Haiti de Provence writes [Fr]: ”More than a week after a beneficial tour hand in hand with President Hugo Chavez … this meeting with the most powerful man on earth … could look like a call to order or caution to those who think that it is impossible to lead Haiti without having in mind the desires of our powerful neighbors.”
YES.. THAT IS RIGHT. I think President Bush is calling Preval to order. Preval seems to be to the left with Chavez and other southern American leaders. If Bush tells Preval not to deal with Chavez i don;t think that would be a good idea.Preval should keep good relation with Chavez and strengthen his relation with Bush..
Preval should not allow himself to be intimidated by any foreign leader, regardless of that leader’s country’s standing in global affairs. He should stand his ground and conduct a foreign policy that represent the Haitian people’s interest and should take dictation from anyone outside of Haiti as to what Haiti’s foreign policy ought to be. Every country in the world conducts its foreign based on its national interest so should Hait!!!
Is he loosing his touch? Meaning Diol “Bush.” Let me try to analyze this meeting here. He loosing rating in Iraq, he screwed up the Economy? He is loosing his popularity with the latino population, and now he is trying to gain our trust for the upcoming election. Pres. Preval needs to take history into consideration and act base on what the Haitian people elected him for; To bring a better Haiti. For over two hundred years we have been shedding blood. Whenever you see DIOL step into a country or meet with the leader it is because they need something in that country. Gaz prices cost doudle in Haiti, what can he do for us? They claim that he is the most powerful leader, he is not in my opinion. The most powerful leader is one who leads and improve the life of its country and economy. This meeting is just another meeting which he will try to make promises and trying to make it look like he has interest in the needs of other country. Think about it for a minute.. Gas prices is high, they are thinking about ethonol power. My people, it is something that we can produce and that is what they are coming for our corns and sugar cane. Remember that I have said it. But if he or the democrats who will be taking over in 2008 will help our economy than President Preval should open the door for a better future. But by all mean we the Haitian people shall not be bought and played like a game of chest. Preval needs to stand for what is good for Haiti,we love home and we all want it to be a better place to come back and invest in.
Thanks all for your comments. All very interesting perspectives…
What exactly is good for Haiti?
First, Haitian must learn when its comes to US Relations, Democrats and Republican are the same. Both parties will will do what is in the national security interest of the United States (basic American Economics–which is inherent in US policies).
Therefore, if the US officials are thinking left, President Preval should make that left if it could yield interest for his people. This adhere to an ancient adage ” The wise win without fighting, while the ignorant fight to win.”
Not making a left must out-weight the benefits of doing so.
Second, I’m not sure that a government alone can bring changes in any society if is functioning an debilitating state as we know the current situation is in Haiti. What the current government should be doing: act as a conduit for economic and social changes that will impact the country for years to come if not generations to come.
Part of that solution lies here in the heart of the Haitian diaspora in the United States. To do that effectively, you must be in good terms with the White House no matter which party is power.
Third, The Haitian Government must fight the notion that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere ( However true that may be).For a start, the Haitian Diaspora don’t want to be identified with that image.
President Preval must find a way to re-energize Haitian Diaspora by tapping into Haitian dignity and confidence, assure national security (citizen safety), and continuity of political stability.
Believe it or not my friends, Preval needs to take those steps on the right path starting with President Bush.