Okinawa, Japan's southernmost prefecture, consists of some 160 islands in an archipelago stretching from Kyuushuu to Taiwan. Historically part of a distinct nation called the Ryuukyuu Kingdom, Okinawa only became a Japanese prefecture in 1879. Its people, the poorest in Japan, have struggled over the years to find a place for themselves in their new country, facing persistent discrimination from their post-war American occupiers as well as from their mainland Japanese countrypeople.
For many decades, Okinawa has borne the brunt of the post-war military burden, having been seized and occupied by American forces immediately following the end of World War Two and only finally (nominally) returned to Japanese rule in 1972. Following the Battle of Okinawa, in which 200,000 soldiers and civilians — including one quarter of the prefecture's total population — lost their lives, Okinawa was turned into an extended military complex for American forces and made to house numerous bases, espionage centres, and estates for American families. While taking up only 0.6% of the area of the entire country, Okinawa hosts 75% of all American military bases in Japan (occupying 20% of the prefecture's entire territory), a lasting testament — given widespread opposition to such bases across Japan — to the continuing marginalization of the Okinawan people.
The latest chapter in the ongoing tale of America's military presence in Okinawa involves a plan to construct a new military airport in Henoko Bay, a plan which has been opposed fiercely by local residents and environmentalist groups. Last week, officials gave the go-ahead for a preliminary survey, a move which angered many people in the area, notably bloggers actively involved in nonviolent protests and sit-ins.
Blogger nesupa writes:
The Defence Facilities Administration has forced through an investigation of the waters at Henoko Bay to accompany the construction of a new military base. From the start, this type of investigation requires by law an environmental assessment before it can proceed. Despite this, under the name of a preliminary survey, they are trying to go ahead with this investigation. The procedure is the wrong way around. The head of the civil engineering division involved in the matter is declaring that they will use the data from what they are calling a preliminary survey in the [environmental] assessment. In fact, however, the first step should be for the assessment to specify what kind of investigation should be carried out to collect this data. The procedure is the other way around.
国は強権で突破でき、県民世論は捻じ伏せられると考えているだろうが、力で押さえられないものもあるのだ。成田空港を見てみろ、もう40年を越えるのに未だに建設の第一歩のボタンの掛け違いが尾を引いている。その時はどうにか辻褄を合わせてもシコリは何時までも残り事を複雑にするだけだ。 甘く見てはイケマセン。
The actions of the government in ignoring at this time the assessment for Henoko Bay will probably result in problems in the near future.
Don't manipulate the law to hurry the construction process. It's true that there is a lot of money tied to this construction project. But if you want money that badly, then think about ways to get away with the money, in other words take the money for construction from the national government but never actually build the base. What I'm saying is, trick them the way that telephone scam operators trick old people.
Another blogger at Kichi Kensetsu Soshi (Stop construction of the base) gives more detail on actions against government forces, comments on Prime Minister Abe's involvement, and wonders about the mindset of the divers carrying out the investigations:
Blogger Youko writes about the failure of mainstream media to cover the Henoko Bay issue and describes her own eyewitness experience of government hostility at protests and sit-ins:
At times like this, when major media is not reliable, we have no choice but to set up our own small-scale media and start broadcasting the message ourselves.
On the contrary, serious questions should be directed to the government over its use of state power, which it has used to send “warnings”, to mobilize riot police, to continuously intimidate and even go as far as arresting the local citizens participating in non-violent sit-ins.
By speaking up and requiring that the government listens to the will of the people, we can ensure that the Japanese and US governments live up to their obligations under the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Heritage Convention in order to protect the Ryukyu Heritage and relationship with the Dugong.
The thing is, Okinawa is unlike most of the rest of Japan in so many ways. World War II scarred them in ways that they will never forget, and now with much of that land covered in military bases, what hope is there for me even to this day? I applaud them doing their part and trying to reclaim what’s theirs.