(Photo is from Arkun's flicker photo album.)
Just like what Backlight53 said:
Based on Mei-Rong Lin's research, Matsu is the deity most commonly worshipped by Taiwanese people. Matsu's birthday falls on the 23rd day of the third month in the lunar calendar. All the worship activities are held shortly before and after this date. Activities related to the Matsu's inspection tour are very hot, and more and more young people join these activities these years.
What people do in Matsu's inspection tour? Based on backlight53's words:
In 2006, National Youth Commission held a workshop about the belief in Matsu and brought interested young people to join Da-Jia Matsu's inspection tour in central Taiwan. In this special inspection tour, the believers walk eight days (4/21-4/29 this year) for about 300 km. They only eat vegetarian dishes and sleep in temples.
Nycfour in Da-Jia Matsu inspection tour youth exploration group blog talked about the importance of the inspection tour to people who believe in Matsu:
其實很多人心裡藏了很多心事、很多苦楚平常找不到人宣洩,也無法說出口、找人討論,每年就是等待媽祖來,可以持香助禱,把心中所有的委屈與苦楚,趁每年一 次媽祖過境時,把所有心事說給媽祖聽,所以她們每年一定會在街頭巷口等待媽祖路過,媽祖對於長者來說,比心理醫生還要有用。
Because Matsu has very strong social influence in Taiwan, there are some rituals that represent the competition among the local powers. For example, before the inspection tour, local powers would compete for the first incense. In some areas, the group winning the first incense is the most powerful group. In some areas, people even try to ‘rob’ Matsu because they believe Matsu will protect the area where she is located.
Hsiu-Tsen in Da-Jia Matsu inspection tour youth exploration group blog talked about what they saw in the ‘robbing Matsu':
Da-Jia Matsu's inspection tour attracted many people. However, it was not the case decades ago. Based on I-Chun's article:
What makes Da Jia Xhen Lan temple feels it is superior than other Matsu temples in Taiwan? Based on Kuo-Chou Huang's article, Da Jia Xhen Lan temple brought their Matsu to China in 1987 because the belief in Matsu is originally from China. Thereafter, they think they are more orthodox than others.
Some people think that even though we do not consider how Chinese culture revolution destroyed the belief in Matsu in China, there is difference between Matsu belief in China and Taiwan.
Based on Mei-Rong Lin's research,
When some people argued about the political powers behind Matsu, many people only consider Matsu as a religion, like other religions.
Miki said:
The movie ‘Island Etude’ has its own blog. The author EtudeBike talked about Matsu in their movie:
‘We will see what we want to see’ is very suitable to describe what religion is. Although I am not in Taiwan, and I cannot say I am a believer of Matsu, I still watched the movie about Matsu inspection tour happily. I believe in Matsu, because I believe in the people who believe in her.
If you are interested in this activity, you can check ‘the handbook of Da-Jia Matsu inspection tour’. Maybe like Arkun said:
Taiwan is not Thailand.
The map is wrong.
The map displays a country at random picked from the countries the post is labeled with. This post happens to be labeled with:
China, Thailand, Taiwan (ROC), Hong Kong (China), Macau (China)
So the map displayed will be one of these.
Try reloading the screen and see. :)