Chileno captures some footage of a tussle between police and street vendors, and follows up with an interview with the vendor involved. The city government of Santiago is trying to clear a popular promenade of street vendors that compete with shop owners.
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A few days later I bought a DVD of Charlie Garcia from a street vendor outside my local supermarket, for 1,000 pesos (about 2 bucks). I went in to buy groceries and get change, but almost didn’t make the DVD transaction because they were packing up. Plain clothes investigators were in the area, she told me. Her assistant said the police targeting is because of taxes; street vendors don’t pay the 18% VAT. The rest (competition with shops, RIAA funds, whatever I said) is pure speculation. I’m glad my theories are supported, though :-) I, or somebody, really should research this. Anyway, I asked the street vendor if she had a return policy and she said no. But the DVD works, and it’s beautiful. Not like the smell of chlorine and rotting meat in the back of the supermarket.