Algeria: From Armenia to Islam

Algerian blogger Nouri provides links which discuss why the Armenian genocide should not be called a genocide and who is a moderate Muslim.


  • Amira,

    i am not arguing that it should not be called a genocide, but that the American government should not call it such. I do not deny the historical fact of the Armenian genocice.



  • Varouj Asdourian

    To state that the American government should not call it a genocide is absurd. By your standards if a homicidal country pays you lip service then you should keep your eyes closed to reality. How dare you belittle the suffering that these people went through for the sake of politics. The Turks cannot be trusted as an ally of the United States. They have shown this countless times. They still persecute their minorites to this day and for a country like the United States, which is supposed to hold the high ground on moral authority to ignore an issue like for political expediency, is sad. If unfortunatly your own people had suffered the same, I am sure you would be singing a different tune.

  • Vrezh

    Individuals, Nations or Governments who close their eyes or try to deny it, are supporters and partakers.

    Are you the same category person?

    If not, than I’d suggest you to do more profound researches.

  • Sam

    Armenian Genocide deniers are:

    1. Individuals with absolutely no knowledge of matter.
    They just express an opinion without considering the sensitiveness of the issue.
    2. Individuals who are financed by Turkish government.
    3. Individuals who are aware of the facts but still shamelessly deny it for political & nationalistic reasons.

  • Nazareth

    Hi Nouri,
    No offense meant, but you seem to have misunderstood the English in the first article you quoted. You said, “Walch is correct, that such a simple issue as a historical fact should rank at the bottom of the realpolitik list, this matter should be very close to the bottom.” But Walch had said “Of all issues subject to realpolitik COMPROMISES, mass slaughter of a national minority surely should rank at the bottom of the list.” This means that of all the issues where the US should compromise and appease someone (Turkey, in this case) mass slaughter should be at the bottom of the list, i.e. they should not compromise on Genocide.
    Hope that helped!

  • Zareh Sahakian

    If it is realpolitik that governes the rules of political engagement then we should not be surprised if one day other genocides are planned and executed (already happening in Darfur).

    If there is one thing Armenians will teach the world is how to respect and honour the memory and the dignity of 1.5 miliion people killed for the only reason of having been born Armenian, having been expelled from their three-thousand-year ancestral homeland and having been subjected to shameless denial campaign by Turkey and its promoter, the US.

    The US is not neutral in this issue, they have taken a firm position on the side of Turkey.

    The so-called powerful Armenian lobby is a fiction propagated by the anti-Armenian propagandists. All Armenians have to do is talk about the truth in the grass-roots level (with their respective organizations ). It is by the power of the truth that this issue carries the day and not by arm-twisting shadowy groups of lobbyists that we are made to believe. All those who do champion the Armenian cause are those who have the dignity in calling a spade a spade.In fact thare are many Congressmen who have sponsored the Armenian Genocide resolution that have no Armenian constituancy in their districts). It is the other camp, those who talk of realpolitik and want to kill any debate about this subject, are the bought agents of the powerful Turkish lobby in the United States.

    It is absolutely inconsequential if the US recognizes the Armenian Genocide or not, What is important is one day a Turkish president comes to Yerevan and asks for
    forgiveness in the name of the entire Turkish people.

    Who knows realpolitik might actually force them to do so.

  • I wanted to comment on this but then saw Zareh Sahakian’s response; I could have not said it better, I agree with it 100%

  • Pierre

    How could a country that makes it illegal to discuss a topic claim an objective position in that topic.
    The Turks make it illegal to discuss the genocide under the pretense of anti-turkishness and to say that they have a credible opinion is ludicrous! and it is pure ignorance on the part of those who claim their sides.
    Let all the archives be open! and let a principled stand drive the debate.

  • Deborah Ann Dilley

    I think that a point has been missed here. The question is not to debate what is historical fact or not…but whether it is worth it for the US government to take the time to sign a bill acknowledging it. What purpose would such a bill serve, honestly? That the US government decided that rather than deal with the huge pile of foreign and domestic policy issues it currently has that it will stop and take the immense amount of time to sit and debate this out? An Armenian resolution will never be passed in the US government, as well as the countless Kurdish resolutions that have been put through. The US government has bigger things to worry about at the moment.

    Besides, what is wrong by sitting and waiting to see how France handles this issue?

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