Afghan bloggers and non Afghan bloggers who write about Afghanistan have lot of stories to share: From alcohol to women and afghan immigrants problems.
Onne Parl tells us why alcohol disappeared from the market last autumn. The blogger says
one can hear two versions why alcohol disappeared from the markets in last autumn. First, Islamic Government is really concerned with availability of alcohol. Secondly: it is a question of money. Considering the low prices, it was clear, that taxes were not included. When government started taxing alcohol, shops refused to pay. Alcohol moved out or it is just hidden, as informed people tell.
Women in Pain
Afghan Lord talks about Women's day,the 8 march,and afghan women's conditions. He writes
sometimes Afghan men beating their wives for nothing just they like it to show their power and anger in his family member. When they feel to beat their wife they do it immediately. Many parents marry their daughters off to wealthy men aged 60 and 70. A shocking story of child bride at the age of four in Kandahar is one example of thousands. Many parents sell their daughters like materials, they are not care where does she goes and what will happened on her. About 57% of Afghan girls are married before the legal marriage age of 16; about 60-80% of marriages are forced.
Safrang says almost same stroy about women in Afghanistan.He says
On the eve of another International Women’s Day the lot of Afghan women has not improved considerably since the fall of the Taliban. That is the unanimous verdict from the UN, AIHRC (Afghanistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission) and a number of other organizations and reports in the media. Domestic violence, forced marriages, lack of access to health services (and of lesser immediate concern, to education) remain alarmingly high.
Humanity has no Borders
Thanks to Jadi, an Iranian IT expert and blogger, we discover that a group of Iranians have launched a campaign to protest the Iranian government's mistreatment of Afghan immigrants. We can look at several photos of campagne here. One of the slogans says “humanity does not no any borders” and another slogan means “when injustice becomes a law then resistance becomes a responsibility.”