Azarmehr says that Islamic Republic uses British universities as a propaganda platform.He talks about his experience in SOAS :A request was made by an Iranian student at SOAS for a “symposium” about Iranian cinema. Later on an organisation named “Council for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature” took over the organisation of the event and the “Iranian Cinema Symposium” actually became a pretext for an official celebration of the Islamic Revolution in a British university, organized and sponsored by the Iranian embassy in London.
1 comment
I would like to see the UN take a lead in resolving the crisis in Iraq that they allowed to develope. I would like to see some bold moves. Turkey, Iran and Iraq should be redrawn so that ethnic peoples are united. Put the Kurds together, the shiite together and the rest of the sunnies together and be done with it. The civil war in Iraq and the uprisings in Turkey need to be resolved. We gave the Jews Israel at the expense of the Palestinians and we had massive human migrations when India and Pakistan split so it’s time to do it again.