17 February 2007

Stories from 17 February 2007

La Réunion: After Decolonization, Responsibility

  17 February 2007

La Réunion local official Eric Fruteau writes (Fr): “After the end of slavery in 1848, after departmentalization in 1946 and all the other fights to end colonial misery, instaure the great social laws that have marked our island, after the achievement of social equality, we must now anticipate and prepare...

A Week Goes by in Kuwait

  17 February 2007

From a new movie to a naming special day after a popular soft drink (pop for Americans) to creating Kuwait's very own supermarket brand. These were some of the conversations going on at the Kuwaiti blogospehere last week. K TheKuwaiti talks about a new movie Sharq that is produced in...

Malaysia: Sub-Contracting Woes

  17 February 2007

Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin ridicules Malaysian government's plans to strictly enforce its affirmative action policies in infrastructure projects. Malaysia awards a lot of its official contracts to Bumiputra (ethnic Malay) contractors. These contractor in turn used to sub-contract it to local or foreign sub-contractors who may not necessarily be bumiputras....

Lao: Buddha Park

  17 February 2007

The Lao Cook is back in his home country and takes us to visit Buddha Park, a place just outside the capital city Vientiane and featuring Hindu and Buddhist sculptures.