9 February 2007

Stories from 9 February 2007

Poland: Govt Resignations

  9 February 2007

The beatroot wonders whether the recent resignations mean that the Polish government is falling apart and provides more info on the resignation of the minister of the interior Ludwik Dorn....

Kuweit: What's in a Video?

  9 February 2007

Tunisian blogger Sami Ben Gharbia writes (Fr): “Shams, the Kuweiti singer just released her video “Ahlan Ezzayak” [Welcome, how are you?] which has become popular in Arab countries. The video...

Uzbekistan: Dialogue or Sanctions

  9 February 2007

Nick discusses a condemnation from the International Crisis Group of expanding European ties with Uzbekistan and wonders why there are different standards for European relations with Uzbekistan than with countries...

Armenia: Election Monitor

  9 February 2007

Onnik Krikorian posts his latest Armenian parliamentary election monitor at its new home, which will not only monitor online coverage of the election, but also occasionally produce its own original...

Saudi Arabia: Blogging Concerns

  9 February 2007

Saudi Jeans wonders how can bloggers protect themselves, following Bahraini Mahmood Al Yousif‘s incident. “Mahmood's suggestion to arrange a workshop run by professional journalists to teach us how to criticize,...