Chile: First Bloggers Association

A group of Bloggers have decided to make the Chilean Association of Bloggers [ES]. The idea was born from the concern of not having a organized manner of communication. As they explain:

Somos una agrupación de voluntarios con objetivos comunes, que mediante los blogs, buscamos desarrollar iniciativas comunitarias de diversa índole. Fomentar la comunicación y la democracia por medio de la internet, buscar la representabilidad de nuestro pareceres, canalizar nuestras aspiraciones, reparos y posiciones bajo un techo ordenado y pluralista que albergue a todos sin exclusión.

We are a group of volunteers with common goals that, via weblogs, we seek to develop communal initiatives in diverse fields. We intend to promote communication and democracy by means of the internet, to seek representation of our opinions, focus our aspirations, positions and objections under roof of order that unites everyone without exclusion.

They also declare that there is no political, religious or ideological basis of the organization and that they are committed to the bloggers’ idea of sharing visions through open, participative space.

This group began in November and already has 300 members. They also want to spread the use of technology. They have organized a digital literacy campaign in a school and intend to do more. But their main focus is creating a participative place for everyone. As a non profit organization, they are also looking for sponsors to help them go forward.


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