UN Sanctions Against Iran

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously voted to impose sanctions against Iran over its failure to halt uranium enrichment. The Iranian government announced that it will continue its nuclear policy. Here's what bloggers had to say as they shared their thoughts and feelings about the sanctions, the government’s reaction and the consequences.

Nasime Dasht says that it is a very important organization that approved sanctions against Iran, and all members are obliged to follow its decision.The blogger adds that , while the authorities say that nothing happened, many things in fact did happen, and the authorities have forgotten the national interest [Fa]. Nasime Dasht writes

sanctions will create more difficult conditions for investment and investors will run away. World banks will refuse to give Iranians credit and USA will try to enlarge the specter of sanctions.

The blogger also says that the radical and baseless slogans of Iranian leader Ahmadinejad helped USA to push its agenda in United Nations, and advises that incapable authorities leave the scene to others for the benefit of the country and to preserve national interest.

Jomhour says it is Iranian government propaganda that the Security Council already regrets its decision, designed only to manipulate public opinion in Iran. Jomhour adds that political forces who are critics of the current government policy should provide evidence to negotiate with International Community[Fa].

Ali Mazroi, a former deputy in Parliament and reformist politician, refers to the Iranian government's policy regarding the nuclear crisis and says:

دولت احمدی نژاد د چار یک اشتباه محاسبه شده اندو ادامه این روند با اشتباه محاسبه طرف مقابل( آمریکا واروپا) می تواندوضعیت را به نقطه ای بحرانی وبسیار خطرناک وحتی در گیری نظامی بکشاند که قطعا دستاوری برای هیچیک از طرفین در گیر نخواهد داشت وهمراه باخسارات بسیارمادی وانسانی خواهد بود

Ahmadinejad's government miscaluated and if the other side (USA and Europe) miscalculate, the situation can be pushed towards a very dangerous point or even a military confrontation can happen.The outcome of this confrontation will be nothing for both sides and a lot of material and human damages will be its results.

The blogger adds that absolutists (meaning Ahmadnejad and followers) who criticised the reformist government for its negotiations, did not tolerate any other voice than theirs in media about the nuclear question and did not let the world hear any voice other than theirs: nuclear technology is our absolute right.

The blogger writes that even now that UN has approved sanctions against Iran, the authorities still say it is not important and just a piece of paper [Fa]. He adds:

They had forgotten that the same UN has approved 598 resolutions and put an end to the Iran-Iraq war. . . . when these sanctions get applied our economy will face very tough day. . . it is interesting that, with respect to the UN resolution, only the authorities reacted and took a position. People are wandering what happened.

Nedaye emrouz says the source of optimism is that ordinary people have not been targeted by the resolution [Fa], only the bank accounts of people who have been involved with the nuclear project will be blocked and selling missiles and nuclear related technology will be forbidden to Iran.

Hoder writes that: “It's the ultimate hypocrisy of the West to punish Iran for a crime Iran has not commited. When no one has found the tiniest evidence of Iran breaking the non-proliferation treaty that it has signed, what international law justifies the UN security council's sanctions on Iran?

Mahjad says sanctions have an impact on the country, despite what authorities pretend. Banks will cut their relations with Iran; Iran will be obliged to move its dollars to south Asian countries and pay much more for western goods [Fa].


  • […] The world froths at the thought of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons (and hopes and pray that the Islamic regime is in fact lying about its oil wealth). As usual, the view of the Iranian people are routinely ignored by the Western media (and their views are, as expected, very diverse.) […]

  • […] 原文:UN Sanctions Against Iran 作者:Hamid Tehrani 译者:Leonard校对:Portnoy&Sweet […]


    Not matter what the Bush administration was bound to impose sanctions on Iran under one pretext or the other. Any plan for economic or military sanctions could not materialise because of Chinese and Russian opposition, and yet another regional conflict was averted by these two permanent members of the Security Council.

    As if Iraq and Afghanistan were not enough, one more venture was planned by the neo-cons in the Bush administration. This was done, in spite of the fact that a highly respected Iraq Crisis Report has pleaded for involving Iran in a dialogue to solve the Iraqi crisis, and also to resolve the Palestinian issue. The Bush administration has not learnt a lesson from the Republican Party’s defeat in the midterm elections, which was also a referendum against similar hostile ventures.

    The remaining two years of the Bush administration will be a testing time for the American people as well as for the world community. Although the Democrat-dominated Congress will exercise its function of checks and balances, the President still has the ability to create a crisis by improvising various methods or by creating conditions in which Congress will have no option but to go along with the Chief Executive.

    Experience in Iraq, and even Afghanistan, demonstrates that even a superpower has its limitations and that the resistance to it can be much more stiff and lethal than ever anticipated. Iran is a large country with a population of over 60 million. Its people are also more united than those in the two neighbouring countries. Furthermore, any misadventure against Iran can prompt that country to completely destabilise the already precarious situation in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran also has sufficient leverage in Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East and can create problems for the United States.

    In the interest of world peace, and for its own sake, the Bush administration would be better advised to restrain itself. Dialogue, as the Baker-Hamilton Report has recommended, is the best way to solve regional issues.

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