The World Championship of Brazilian 2.0 Football

Inter CampeaoBrazilians still have fresh memories of the defeat of the national team in the last World Cup in Germany, when the group of international shining stars was unable to show the needed will to win on the field. As a result, Porto Alegre's Internacional triumph in the Club World Cup this weekend in Tokyo comes as a meaningful Christmas gift earning for Brazil the unofficial title of having the top global football team. The victory has brought back the pride of being the best in the world. But the special fact of this being achieved by a group of lesser known Brazilians who play in the country, as well as conquering the Barcelona favorite ( Ronaldinho's team) in the final game generated interesting reactions in the blogosphere. Could we say that Brazilians are discovering a more efficient way to play the game?

No final, quem esperava qualquer espetáculo por parte dos espanhóis acabou se frustrando com a eficiência dos brasileiros na contenção de jogadas. Na frente, o Inter viu suas duas grandes apostas – o capitão Fernandão e o novato Alexandre Pato – com atuações tímidas, diminuindo seu poder ofensivo. No final, porém, foi o reserva de Fernandão quem roubou a cena. “Depois de uma bola importante do Iarley no contra-ataque, fiz o gol do título. Todo mundo lutou para conquistar este título para a torcida. Fazer parte de um grupo desses é excelente. Eu estava no banco, mas tentei ajudar meus companheiros”, disse Adriano.
Inter derruba Barça com gol de reserva e é campeão mundialBlog do Rodrigo Oliveira

In the end, the ones who were waiting for a Spanish show were frustrated by the Brazilian efficiency in the play of the game. In the forward, Inter had it's biggest bets — the captain Fernandao, and the novice Alexandre Pato – developing timid performances and disempowering the offensive sector. In the end, however, it was Fernandao's substitute who stole the scene. “After receiving an important ball from Iarley in the counter-attack, I've made the goal of the championship. Everybody struggled to give this title to our partisans. It's wonderful to be part of this team. I was sitting on the bench, but tried to help my colleagues when I went in”, said Adriano.
Inter derruba Barça com gol de reserva e é campeão mundialBlog do Rodrigo Oliveira

Quando me perguntaram para quem eu iria torcer hoje, lógico que respondi o Inter. Eu já disse aqui que eu torço sempre para times do Brasil. Exceto o Vasco, claro. E o Internacional é um clube admirável. Em momento algum baixou guarda diante as estrelas do Barcelona. O Barça ? Infinitamente melhor. Tem as maiores estrelas do mundo. Entre elas o melhor do mundo. Dos 23 inscritos, 14 estrangeiros. Time de riqueza e estrelas. Craques individuais. E a diferença do Inter foi aí. Sem estrelas reconhecidas lá fora, a raça superou o talento do considerado o melhor do mundo, Barcelona. Corrigindo: “Era” considerado. Porque a raça colorada venceu as estrelas. Melhor ainda ver que ainda pode se acreditar no futebol brasileiro e que garra e união contam muito.
Internacional Campeão do MundoBlogSport com Lívia Albernaz

When they asked me which team I would cheer for, I answered that it would be for Inter, obviously. I've already said that I am always for Brazilian teams. With the exception of Vasco, of course. And Internacional is an admirable team. It never was intimidated by the Barcelona stars. The ‘Barca’ is infinitely better, having the world's biggest stars, and the world's best between them. From the 23 registered players, 14 are foreigners. A team of richness and stars — individual talents. And the difference was exactly that. Without internationally known stars, the guts-iness won over the talent considered to be the world's top talent. (Correction: USED to be considered.) [But] the guts-iness of the ‘colorado’ team beat the stars. Better still to see that we can believe in Brazilian soccer, and that performance and teamwork counts a lot.
Internacional Campeão do MundoBlogSport com Lívia Albernaz

Nueve y media de la noche en Japón. La retransmisión de la cadena de televisión Yomiuri termina con unos protagonistas inesperados, los jugadores del Internacional de Porto Alegre celebrando el triunfo con el seleccionador brasileño, Dunga, y el brasileño, exinternacional japonés, Lopes.Minuto 36 de la segunda parte. Marca el Inter para sorpresa de los comentaristas, a los que se les nota a la legua la decepción. Minuto 40. Todavía hay esperanza. Ronaldinho toma carrerilla para tirar una falta y los comentaristas le piden “un regalo de Navidad”. La pelota no entra, pero no es cuestión de terminar en tono fúnebre así que, a medida que se va haciendo evidente que el Barça no tiene tiempo para reaccionar, el barcelonismo de la televisión japonesa se transforma en interismo y la retransmisión termina con los vencedores celebrando el triunfo en el estudio, y con Akashiya Sanma cambiando su camiseta del Barça por una del Internacional.
Sayonara TVJapon

It was 09:30 pm in Japan. The transmission from Yomiuri TV network ends with unexpected protagonists, Porto Alegre's Internacional players celebrating the triumph with the National Team's coach Dunga, and the Japanese naturalized Brazilian Lopes. In the 36th minute of the second half, Internacional scores, to the big surprise of the commentators, who clearly show their disappointment. 40th minute, there is still hope. Ronaldinho runs to make a shot and the commentators ask him for a ‘Christmas gift’. The ball does not hit the net, and to end the narration in a funereal mood would just not work, so, as it becomes obvious that Barcelona will not have the time to react, the Japanese TV's Barcelonism transforms itself in an Interism and the transmission ends with the winners celebrating the triumph in the studio, and Akashiya Sanma changed his Barcelona shirt to one from Internacional.
Sayonara TVJapon

It is possible to say that Internacional’s victory
frustrated some media effects that were expected to produce the big publicity contracts that orbit around Barcelona's main stars. In fact these players are accustomed to winning in the professional circuit and simply won't be desperate or cry about losing a game in Japan against unknown Brazilians. But some mixed meanings that Brazilian bloggers are extracting from Inter's conquest are amazing. They somehow connect Barcelona's defeat with the emergence of collective empowerment to the disadvantage of the typical broadcasting cult of personality.

A VISÃO dos rostos e atitudes de jogadores como Deco, Puyol, Ronaldinho Gaúcho mostram que eles perderam a glória de chorar. São estrelas (e assim tratados no site oficial do clube) que não souberam lidar com um dia em que o sol não as iluminou. Dois troféus foram entregues a jogadores do Barcelona além de um Toyota simbolizado por uma chave gigante banhada a ouro. Deco e o Gaúcho receberam os troféus e menosprezaram-nos. Receberam com descaso e “abandonaram” o prêmio no gramado. As imagens mais marcantes, no entanto, é o retirar a medalha de prata do pescoço. Os grandes jogadores citados e outros também do Barcelona tiveram essa atitude registrada para o mundo pelas telas de TV. Falta de humildade impressionante. Não havia lágrimas, havia apenas caras insípidas. Um deboche estático. Lamentável.
Internacional Campeão e respectivas observaçõesMy Dogness

The look on the faces and attitudes of players such as Deco, Puyol, Ronaldinho Gaucho, show that they have lost the dignity of crying. They are stars — and that's how they are treated on the official site of the club — who couldn't deal with a day when the sun wouldn't shine for them. Two trophies were given to Barcelona players, besides a Toyota symbolized by a golden giant key. Deco and Ronaldinho received the trophies and did not pay any attention to them. [They] received them casually and left them on the grass. The strongest images are that of removing the silver medal from the chest. The great players quoted above and others from Barcelona had this attitude broadcasted to the world by TV screens. Impressive lack of humbleness. There were no tears, only insipid faces. A deplorable static scoff.
Internacional Campeão e respectivas observaçõesMy Dogness

No Japão, o time do Inter derrota o mítico Barcelona. Nesse momento, ante a escolha da Time, tal vitória do Inter chega a ser um símbolo de um “você” anônimo, de rosto comum, que derrota aqueles cujos nomes próprios — “Barcelona”, “Ronaldinho” — são memes poderosos. No caso do Inter temos a vitória do trabalho de equipe, da garra, da seriedade e da dedicação. No caso do Brasil temos aquilo que inspirou a revista Time: as ações e reações de milhões de pessoas através da Internet sendo suficientemente fortes para superar, em importância e impacto, as ações e reações de uma ou outra pessoa em particular. A força dos Davis da blogosfera ante os Golias da comunicação é a grande e feliz novidade do ano. Acho que a Time teve visão, e acertou na escolha.
2006, o ano no qual os Davis derrotaram seus GoliasAnimot

In Japan, the Inter team beats the mythical Barcelona. At this moment, as ‘Time’ [magazine] chooses ‘You’ as person of the year, Inter's victory gets a meaning of an anonymous ‘you’, a common face who beats those who with proper names — ‘Barcelona’, ‘Ronaldinho’ — are powerful memes. In Inter's case, we have the victory of the teamwork, of determination and dedication. In Brazil we have that which inspired Time magazine: the actions and reactions of the millions of people through the Internet being sufficiently strong to overcome, in importance and impact, the actions and reactions of one person in particular. The strength of the blogosphere Davids before the Goliath of the media is the big and happy novelty of the year. I think that Time had vision, and chose right.
2006, o ano no qual os Davis derrotaram seus GoliasAnimot

El entrenador brasileño mantuvo lo que dijo en la ruedas de prensa previas y afirmó que por haber ganado al Barcelona no piensa que su equipo sea mejor. “Creo que el Barcelona sigue siendo el mejor equipo del mundo porque casi todos sus componentes son miembros de sus respectivas selecciones nacionales”, afirmó. “Ellos juegan a su mejor nivel si les dejas, por lo que jugar de modo defensivo fue nuestra mejor decisión”, reconoció. Braga también afirmó que se sorprendió por el partido que realizó su rival y opinó que quizás jugó relajado después de la goleada que le endosó al América de México.
¿Se puede ser más humilde?Simplemente Futbol

Brazilian coach [Abel Braga] maintained what he had said in numerous press meetings and affirmed that having beat Barcelona does not make his group the best team. “I believe that Barcelona is still the best group in the world, as its components are all part of their respective national teams”, he declared. “They will play their best if we let them, and that's why the defensive mode was our best decision”, he recognizes. Braga also affirmed that he was surprised by the game displayed by its rival, and in his opinion the players were sort of relaxed after the easy win over Mexico's America.
¿Se puede ser más humilde?Simplemente Futbol

Looking at the record
we find out the trend is not exactly new. Some bloggers are taking notice that the hegemony of South Americans over European teams in the Club World Cup has been happening across the last several years.

O fato mais curioso da conquista colorada é que a história do Mundial de 2005 repetiu-se em 2006. O campeão sul-americano sofreu para ganhar de seu adversário fraco na semifinal, enquanto o europeu chegou atropelando uma equipe da Concacaf e encantou os sempre deslumbrados japoneses (qualquer jogadinha meia-boca, como um corta-luz, já merece um “oooooh” deles). Favoritíssimo na final e com um elenco cheio de estrangeiros, o europeu sofreu um golzinho e não conseguiu furar a retranca sul-americana. Nós ficamos com o títulos; eles, com as desculpas esfarrapadas.
Tem que respeitar o futebol brasileiro - Onde a coruja dorme

The most curious fact of the ‘colorada’ conquest is that the history of the 2005 World Championship has repeated itself in 2006. The South American champion struggled to beat its weak adversary in the semifinal, while the European rolled over a Concacaf team, enchanting the too easily enthusiastic Japanese [any dumb effect play always gets an ‘oooh’]. The great favorite in the final with a team full of foreigners, the Europeans suffered a goal and could not break the South American defense. We won the titles; they stayed with their unfounded complaints.
Tem que respeitar o futebol brasileiro - Onde a coruja dorme

Desde que a Fifa resolveu assumir a organização do Mundial de clubes, os times brasileiros não sofreram sequer uma derrota nos três torneios. São, portanto, 11 jogos disputados por times brasileiros, 9 vitórias e dois empates. Não é pouca coisa, principalmente se avaliarmos que a CBF pouco se importa com os clubes, preocupada apenas com a Seleção Brasileira. A conquista do Inter, selando a terceira conquista seguida dos clubes brasileiros, deve-se, exclusivamente aos seus próprios esforços, a exemplo do que já habia acontecido com o São Paulo no ano passado e com o Corinthians, em 2000. Imagine se nossos clubes fossem mais bem tratados. Porque sendo como são ainda superam potências como o Manchester United, Real Madrid, Liverpool e o Barcelona. E a vitória por 1 a 0 do Inter mostrou mais uma vez que não há esporte como o futebol, capaz de permitir que o mais fraco vença e torne sua conquista maior que o calor do Sol, que ontem se pôs vermelho no Japão e amanhece hoje ainda mais vermelho no Brasil.
Brasil invicto no Mundial de clubesBlog do Juca

Since FIFA decided to take charge over the Clubs World Championship organization, Brazilian teams have never suffered a single defeat in all three tournaments. Of the 11 games played by Brazilian teams, there are 9 wins and 2 draws. This is not a small achievement, especially if we remember how CBF [Brazilian Football Agency] neglects the Clubs, worrying only about the National Team. Inter's conquest, sealing the third triumph of Brazilian Clubs is due exclusively to its own efforts, in the same way as happened with Sao Paulo last year and with Corinthians in 2000. Imagine if our clubs were better cared for. The way things are they still overcome international powers such as Manchester United, Real Madrid, Liverpool and Barcelona. And Inter's 1-0 victory has shown one more time that there is no sport as soccer, capable of allowing the weaker to win making the conquest even bigger than the heat of the sun, which yesterday was red in Japan, and [now] dawns even redder in Brazil.
Brasil invicto no Mundial de clubesBlog do Juca

Not everybody in Brazil
was for Internacional's victory. A special subplot in this game, which certainly had its effects in the field, was the previous relationship of Ronaldinho with International, or to be more specific, with Inter's archirival Porto Alegre's Gremio. These two clubs are the poles of soccer passion in the capital city of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in the extreme South of Brazil. Ronaldinho started his career in Gremio, and became the greatest player the club ever had. Starting at seventeen, he helped his club to beat the rival Internacional many times. But his departure to play in Europe was somehow traumatic as the fans felt betrayed and abandoned by their idol. His weak performance in the last World Cup is also something that was not stomached well by the country's passionate fans.

Still, for the Gremio crowd, this final was a good opportunity for him to show that he still cared for his old club. Having been Club World Champion once (1983), one typical joke that ‘Gremists’ have about the ‘Colorados’ since then was that they were not really world champions. The argument had worked well and set an advantage that Gremio fans were very keen of. Ronaldinho would have the mission of maintaining this ‘Gremist’ advantage over Internacional, and we have many reasons to believe that he knew exactly what his former supporters had in mind for him this weekend. But again, the player who is to be considered the best in the world for the third time failed to deliver what was expected of him by his most passionate Brazilian fans.

Quando Ronaldinho Gaúcho deixou o Grêmio, em 2001, muitos torcedores ficaram decepcionados com o craque, pois se sentiram traídos pelo maior ídolo. Mas quis o destino que, cinco anos depois, o jogador tivesse a chance de se redimir com os tricolores. Era simples: na decisão do Mundial de Clubes, bastava dar um jeito de derrotar o Internacional, neste domingo. Ronaldinho tinha de tirar dos colorados o gosto de ser campeão do mundo, para então voltar aos braços da galera gremista. Não deu certo. Agora, o desapontamento é ainda maior. “Ele não é Ronaldinho coisa nenhuma. É “Decepcionaldinho Gaúcho”, isso sim. Tínhamos a esperança de que ele pudesse derrotar o Inter. Nosso sentimento é de enorme frustração” – alega Alexandre Bertolazi, 22 anos. Leandro Sturza, 28 anos, é outro integrante da turma dos gremistas indignados com o camisa 10 do Barça. “Na hora da decisão, ele sempre amarela. Minha decepção já era grande por ele ter saído do Grêmio daquele jeito. E agora foi ainda pior” – lamenta.
No Brasil , nem todos torceram pelo INTER…Blog Luso-Carioca

When Ronaldinho Gaucho left Gremio, in 2001, many fans were disappointed with the crack, feeling betrayed by their biggest idol. But five years later destiny has put him in position to redeem himself with them. It was simple: in the contest of the Club World Championship, it would be enough to find a way to defeat Internacional. Ronaldinho would have to take from the ‘colorados’ the taste of being champion of the world, so that he could come back to the good graces of the ‘gremists’. It didn't work. Now the disapointment is event bigger. ” He is not Ronaldinho. He is ‘Deceptionaldinho’ that's what he is. We had the hope that he could defeat Inter. We are feeling a big frustration.” — declared 22-year old Alexandre Bertolazi. [And] Leandro Sturza is another member of the group of ‘gremists’ who are frustrated with Barcelona's number 10. “When it comes to the deciding moment, he freaks out. My feeling of being deceived was already big because of the way he left Gremio and now it is still worse”.
No Brasil , nem todos torceram pelo INTER…Blog Luso-Carioca

És pessoa que me dá várias alegrias desde o início deste século. Ferraste com o Grêmio, mentindo sobre tua permanência no clube onde foste criado. Saíste do Olímpico deixando os bananas de pijamas sem eira nem beira, sem terem recebido um tostão furado por tua transferência para a França. Em 2002, ajudaste, é bem verdade, o Brasil a ser campeão do mundo no Japão. Não posso mentir e tenho que dizer que fiquei feliz com a conquista. Porém, NUNCA apresentaste na Seleção o que sempre vens apresentando na Europa, só para gringo ver. Vide a apresentação na Copa do Mundo deste ano. Agora, vieste de vitória acachapante sobre o ridículo América do México. Aposto que tua nova pátria, a Catalunha, ficou muito feliz tal vitória, e achava que irias repetir, ante o Inter, as mesmas atuações que sempre tiveste lá no Velho Mundo. Mas não deu certo, né? Não consegues jogar com marcação. O Ceará (sabes quem ele é agora??) acabou contigo. O CEARÁ ACABOU CONTIGO, DENTUÇO!
Obrigado Dentucinho GauchoO cachorro da vizinha NÃO É biodegradável.

You are someone who's been giving me great happy moments since the start of this century. You fucked with Gremio, lying about your permanence in the club where you were nurtured. You left the club leaving the ‘bananas in pajamas’ without a clue of what to do, without receiving anything for your transference to France. In 2002, it is true that you helped Brazil become World Champion in Japan. I can't lie and I've got to say that I was happy with the conquest. But you NEVER showed in the National Team what you've been playing in Europe, only for gringoes to see. Check out the performance at this year's World Cup. Now you've come from a landslide victory over the ridiculous America of Mexico. I bet that your new nation, the Catalune, was happy with that victory, and you thought you would repeat, against Inter, the same performances you always had there in the Old World. But it didn't work. You don't know how to play when under pressure. Ceara (you know who he is now, right??) has finished with you. CEARA HAS FINISHED WITH YOU, BIG-TOOTHED!
Obrigado Dentucinho GauchoO cachorro da vizinha NÃO É biodegradável.

Indeed, the main character of the day
was Adriano, not the famous one who plays in Italy and keeps appearing in the weird pictures of European magazines , but a substitute that only 2 months ago was about to leave Internacional. This Adriano embodied the unknown hero, and few could predict that he could be the one to seal the Brazilian supremacy in football on the club level. But as the blogosphere reports, Brazilian channels are open to receive diverse frequencies, and the information comes through unexpected medias.

Ontem, em Garibaldi, após o show no Bar Joe – sou músico, toco na banda Os Daltons -, a conversa não podia ser outra senão a decisão do Mundial Interclubes. Ao entregar uma cerevja, o garçom entrou no papo e revelou: “tive um sonho, o Inter vai ser campeão”. Não levei a sério, visto que a única vez que sonhei antes de uma decisão foi na final da Copa do Brasil de 95, o Grêmio perdeu, no meu sonho havia ganho – também pesou o fato de eu ser ateu, não acreditar em alma e me lixar para o esoterismo. Outro membro da banda, colorado e espírita, interessou-se e perguntou do sonho. O garçom comentou: “esse cara vai dar o passe ou fazer o gol da vitória”, enquanto escrevia algo num papel. Entregou o bilhete ao meu colega. “Abre depois do jogo amanhã e me cobra depois”, concluiu, bastante enfático. Inter marca o gol, toca o meu celular, é o cara da minha banda. “Putz, lá vem cornetear”, pensei. Não atendi. Perto do final do jogo, recebo uma mensagem. “Maia, o papel do garçom trazia o nome ADRIANO escrito”. Sério, me arrepio até agora.
A Conquista MetafisicaLinha Burra

Yesterday, in Garibaldi, after the show in the Joe's Bar — I am a musician, playing in the band ‘Os Daltons’ — the conversation could not be other than the Club World Cup decision. When delivering a beer, the waiter entered the conversation and revealed: “I had a dream, and Inter will win the championship”. I did not take it seriously, as the only time I dreamed with a final game was in the Brasil's Cup decision in 1995, and Gremio lost, and had won in my dream, and also because I am an atheist, don't believe in the soul, and don't give a damn about the esoteric. Another member of the band, [who is] ‘colorado’ and spiritualist, got interested and asked about the dream. The waiter said: “This guy will pass the ball or will himself acheive the victory goal”, while writing something in a paper. He handed the paper to my friend. “Open after the game tomorrow and talk to me afterwards” he concluded emphatically. When Inter scored, my cell phone rang, it was my friend from the band. “Putz, here he comes buzzing”, I thought. Did not attend. Closer to the end of the game, I receive a message. “Maia, the waiter's paper had ADRIANO written on it”. Seriously, I still feel the creeps.
A Conquista MetafisicaLinha Burra

As teamwork is similar to networking perhaps there is nothing mysterious in the fact that a greater efficiency may emerge to triumph over what was once thought to be the exclusive realm of the biggest individual stars. Perhaps it is these magical moments in which peer-to-peer appears to trump personality that has so fascinated the bloggers and freaked out those who have never considered that there may be other possibilities.


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