Stories from 18 December 2006
Madagascar: No Christmas Songs
Says Harinjaka, (Fr) Malagasy artists haven't put out any chistmas compilations this year probably because of elections. But the blogger proposes an exploration into a forgotten music form, the zafindraony...
Nepal: The roads of Khatmandu
Wagle Street Journal on the chaotic traffic in Khatmandu. “If you want to protest, just go to the road and lie down there. Traveling in the city has become difficult...
India: A monastery in Zanskar
It isn't has wonderful photographs from Zanskar of a monastery called Phuktal. “The monastery, which belongs to the Yellow Hat Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, has a history which dates back...
Nepal: The head and tail of the State
Nepali Netbook on the ambiguity of positions in the interim constitution in Nepal. “The king is no longer head of state. The interim constitution is silent on who is. As...
Pakistan, Bangladesh: In conversation with Uzma Aslam Khan
black and gray in conversation with the author of Trespassing, Uzma Aslam Khan. “The Soviets were in Afghanistan, Pakistan was ruled by its most brutal military dictator, General Zia ul...
Bangladesh: Dogs and their licks
a bengali in TO on the status of dogs in Islam and how cleaning a utensil with detergent to get rid of a dog's lick will suffice. “Involuntarily I stepped...
Haiti: High Prices of Flights
Reacting to news of a new airline to offer Haiti-Dominican Republic flights, Collectif Haiti de Provence complains about the cost of flights to Haiti(Fr): “It is always flabbergasting how expensive...
Algeria, France: Zidane's Visit to Algeria
Cyberkabyle (Fr) deplores the official overtones of French soccer star Zinedine Zidane's visit to Algeria and looks with suspicion at the fact that the visit may have been initiated by...
Benin: Pictures of Schools
Expat blogger Anne Au Benin posts (Fr) pictures of Benin schools.
Trinidad & Tobago: Christmas Cuisine
The Caribbean Beat blog celebrates the diverse tastes of a West Indian Christmas!
Belize: Jack and Jill
Nurse Melly tells the near-tragic tale of two young puppies, Jack and Jill – and she's relieved to report that, “like all good human stories, the good guys won.”
India, Haiti: Matrimonials
India-based Haitian blogger NatifNatal ponders (Fr) India's matrimonials. Whereas in the West, she says, people fall in love and then marry, “here you marry the one your parents chose along...
Bahamas: Disclosure of Assets
Since the Bahamas’ Public Disclosure Act deems that Parliamentarians (along with other “persons in public life”) must report their income, assets and liabilities to the Public Disclosure Commission by December...
GV Summit Delhi '06 Session Four: Tools and Technology
The room is alive with post-coffee buzz, as this session, led by Salam Adil and Preetam Rai, tries to get under the skin of the tools and technology that would...
China: Public manners
Granite studio trys to explain Chinese's public manners by looking into the cultural character.
East Asia: the East Asian Libraries and Archives wiki
Frog in a Well announces a project on the East Asian Libraries and Archives wiki. The project will will serve as a central collection site for information about archives, libraries,...
China: The tale of the white dolphin
Experts believe that the twenty-million year old white dophin in Yangtze River was extinct. Lonnie Hodge puts up a story in Onemanbandwidth.
China: Wang Xiaofeng is Time magazine person of the year
Jeremy Goldkorn in DANWEI reports that Wang Xiaofeng, a famous Chinese blogger, is the Time magazine person of the the year.
Hong Kong: Star ferry
ESWN blogs about his memories of Star ferry and explains why he did not join the protest to “preserve” the site.
South Korea: Will S. Korea Ratify Migrant Convention?
Koh Ki-bok from Ohmynews discusses about conditions of migrant workers in South Korea and urges the government to ratify migrant convention as soon as possible.
Serbia: Video on CNN
In the next four months, a “travel to Serbia” commercial will be broadcast on CNN over 500 times (Serbia has paid half a million dollars for this) – but the...