Stories from 11 December 2006
DRC: Kabila's First Challenges
Now that newly elected President Joseph Kabila has been sworn in, Sanaga Perigrinations says he has 3 main challenges (fr): “Pacify the country … Rebuild and develop the country …...
Singapore: Bus Handle Design
AEN Direct (via analyzes the standing passenger's support in a public bus in Singapore and says it fails in meeting the needs of passenger. The blogger conceptualises a more...
Senegal: Justice and Class
Blog Politique du Senegal writes (Fr): “A newspaper announces that a court clerk was accused … of usury, fraud and issuance of fake checks… Verdict: 2 months. To think that...
Fiji: Safe for Tourists
David Stanely at the South Pacific Travel Blog is critical of Australia, New Zealand and the United States for issuing a misleading travel advisory on Fiji before the coup. The...
Malaysia: Aboriginal Rights
The recent ruling party UMNO's convention in Malaysia made a lot of noise about Malay rights in a multi-cultural Malaysia. Some Malay leaders feel that the rights of the Malay...
Global Voices Delhi summit – only a few days to go!
The last details are being put together for the Global Voices annual summit being held in Delhi on Saturday 16 December. But the physical location shouldn't make a difference –...
Poland: Iraq Exit Strategy
The beatroot writes about Polish troops in Iraq.
Ukraine: Vodka
All you need to know about Ukrainian vodka – over at Ukraine List.
Ukraine: Kyiv's Mayor
Ukrainiana writes about Kyiv's new mayor: “If true, that would make Chernovetsky and Yanukovych two of a kind. The “Better Living Today” they promised turned out to be a “Big...
Ukraine: Missionaries
From Ukraine With Love runs into the head of a baby cow lying in the middle of the street and writes about Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hare Krishna and Baptists in...
Ukraine: More In-Fighting
Yet another update on more “political re-arrangements and in-fighting” in Ukraine, at Foreign Notes.
Chile: Reaction to Pinochet's Death
On hearing of the death of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, Maegan la Mala notes that Chilean reaction has been “ranging from jubilation to mourning” and that “protests in the...
Iran:Students disrupted Ahmadinejad's Speech
According to Alpar, students in AmirKabir University in Tehran, disrupted Ahmadinejad's speech.The blogger says students chanted slogans such as ” down with dictator“[Fa].
Egypt: Suiciders on the street
“You're a street vendor in Cairo. You're 23 years old, unemployed, and selling merchandise such as clothes and fruits is the only way for you to survive. You can't afford...
Israel: A multi-interfaith-feast next week
“Next week there are a ton of things to do in Jerusalem if you are into the Interfaith thing,” Leah said.
Palestine: Divide and Rule
“A strange phenomenon has been taking place over the past few years. Israel has been carrying out a systematic plan to try and separate Gaza from the West Bank. Little...
Yemen: Arranged Marriage to Counter Terrorism
A newspaper report said that the Yemeni government fights terrorism by arranging marriages for the captured terrorists. Yemeni official confirmed that this is proving an effective counter terrorism technique because...
Lebanon: Possible Breakthrough!
Mohamad Masri says: “Don't hold your breath for a possible breakthrough,” commenting on the breaking news reporting that Hassan Nasrallah and Hizballah have accepted in principle a 7-point proposal brokered...
Arabisc: An Arab in Toronto and Arabs and Civilisation
Emirati blogger Osama is in North America..a place he never imagined he would ever travel to as long as George W Bush is the president of the US. لم أتخيل...
Nicaragua, Venezuela, Argentina: Ortega, Chavez, Bush
Roberto Bobrow, an Argentine illustrator for Miami Herald columnist Andrés Oppenheimer gives his own bilingual thoughts about US foreign policy towards Latin America.
Bolivia: Summit of the South American Community
Miguel Buitrago at the closing of Cochabamba's big international event: “The II Summit of the South American Community is over and here is the balance. In few words, it can...