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Indian Ocean: Bloggers Feel Connected to the World Through Global Voices

Categories: Sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Reunion, Media & Journalism, Technology

‘Bloggers of relatively remote countries in the Indian Ocean such as Madagascar and La Reunion have noticed recent GV articles on their blogospheres and expressed enthusiasm about GV's work and about the spotlight on their countries.

‘Proof that We Can Make a Difference’

France-based Malagasy blogger Harinjaka noticed [1] Global Voices’ story on Malagasy bloggers’ reflections on global warming [2]:

En effet, une discution entre JoGaNy 2.0 qui se trouve au Canada et Aiky à Madagascar (Celui qui a écrit l’article) est à la fois retransmis et traduit sur un Blog qui s’appel Global Voices. Ce dernier est un Blog 2.0 qui rassemble toute la communauté de blogueurs du monde entier et publie les billets les plus pertinent de chaque blogosphère. Nos deux bloggeurs malgaches y plaident l’effet du réchauffement de la planète à Madagascar et le monde entier les écoute sur Global Voices ) c’est ça que je trouve beau

A discussion between JoGaNy 2.0 who is in Canada and Aiky in Madagascar (who wrote the article) is both transcribed and translated on a blog by the name of Global Voices. GV is a 2.0 blog that assembles all the community of bloggers the world over and publishes the most pertinent posts from each blogosphere. Our two malagasy bloggers talk about the effect of global warming in Madagascar and the whole world listens to them on Global Voices. That is what I find beautiful.

Ben oui quoi, GlobalVoices c’est The blog du mouvement mondial pour la liberté d’expression et puis c’est le liens direct entre médias traditionels et les blog puisqu’ il travail en collaboration evec l’agence Reuteurs. Et devine ou est ce que le mec du TIMES va pêcher son article ?

Global Voices is the blog of the global movement for freedom of expression. It bridges traditional media and blogs because it works in collaboration with Reuters. And guess where the guy from the [NEW YORK] TIMES gets ideas?

Le fait que l’echange entre Jogany et Aiky soit publié là bas est tous simplement la preuve que notre blogsphère malgache n’est pas en reste, et qu’elle pourra bien faire la différence sur des sujets important comme celui qui touche à notre environement

The fact that the exchange between Jogany and Aiky was published on there is simply proof that our malagasy blogosphere is being noticed and that it will be able to make a difference on important topics like our environment.

Scoop: Nos deux blogueurs ne font pas que discuter par bolg interposer, ils envisagent déjà de faire un blog meeting à Tananarive pour mieux faire bouger les choses.

Scoop: Our two bloggers are not just talking via blogs, they're already envisioning a bloggers’ meeting in Tananarivo to better set things in motion.

Many Malagasy bloggers chimed in with what they thought of Global Voices. Many from Manyland [3] had this to say:

J’ai découvert Global Voice y a de ça 3 semaines seulement mais j’avoue que c’est super géniale comme concept : The World is talking. Are we listening ?

I discovered Global Voices only about 3 weeks ago but I must say it's a super smart concept: The World is talking. Are we listening?

‘Event of the Year’

Likewise, the portal of La Reunion's blogosphere, Reunion Permanente noticed [4]a recent Global Voices story on the country's bloggers [5]:

Mais l’évènement de cette année c'est bien évidemment les 15 min de gloire de la blogosphère réunionnaise sur le site de journalisme participatif américain globalvoices : A ne pas rater.

The event of the year is obviously the 15 minutes of fame of Reunion's blogosphere on the American participative journalism site GlobalVoices: not to be missed.