Vilhelm Konnander writes about Anna Politkovskaya murder and Vladimir Putin's silence: “The fact remains: When Russia's “first journalist” is silenced, Russia's “first person” stays silent. No word from Putin, no word from the Kremlin when the freedom of the press is trampled on by brutal suppression. The tacit message thus sent, resounds with piercing echo: Freedom of speech has no place in Putin's Russia.” White Sun of the Desert writes that Politkovskaya's “death is a tragedy for Russia. If somehow the government was involved, it represents a disaster.” Edward Lucas posts the Economist's obituary. A Step At A Time translates an earlier interview with Anna Politkovskaya's editor, Dmitry Muratov. The Accidental Russophile compiles links on the tragic event; La Russophobe accuses him of “an early attack” on the murdered journalist.