Morocco: 5000 micro companies

Samir says that the Moroccan Minister of the Social Development, Family and Solidarity, has come up with an innovative plan that addresses both needs of unemployed and handicapped people who need work and communication technology. One of the projects is to create 5,000 small companies providing moving “publiphones” on behalf of people living in precarious situations.


  • mavis bergero

    Hello , i have a friend who lives in Agadir in Morocco and he finds it impossible to find any work in the country of his birth, i think this is a very sad state off affairs,
    Having been to meet him and his family i could not believe how poor they are ,their home has no water or electricity so they have to get limited amounts of water from the well in the house next door ,and electricity from another house on the other side of them, everyone says they are doing things to help poor people in morocco, but i wonder if the urban improvement agency ever goes around these towns to let the people know about things they may be able to get from their own government,

  • mavis bergero

    these people are poor but also very proud, but its a bit hard when you have nothing to eat or drink,
    I have been sending them money for food etc but my funds are very limited as a working class person myself,
    and i wonder if anyone in agadir has any ideas how to get work there for a 24 year old male,who has to try to clothe and feed his whole family with only the little i can send them ,

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