Third Chilean City with free Wi Fi


Molina is located in the Maule Región, in Curicó province.

The main square in Molina now has free Wi-Fi for the citizens. This is the third city in Chile with free Wi-Fi, The other two are Salamanca and Puerto Montt, as Plataforma Urbana (ES) explains in a post about the impact of the free network on the municipality:

Even this small city, with more or less a population of 30,000, is strongly focusing on tourism, being visited by hundreds of foreign tourist every year that visit the attractive mountains and vineyards of the area. Probably the possibility of getting a free internet connection will be another factor that will promote tourism in the region.


El Maule [ES], a citizen’s participatory blog, write about this new development:

This initiative is very important because Maule has one of the lowest internet connectivity rates in the country. This initiative opens the doors to the world that is unexplored for teens and kids that now will have the chance to learn about other cultures and societies.

This initiative was part of a corporate social responsibility project of the telecom, Entel.


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