4 September 2006

Stories from 4 September 2006

Armenia: Love for Humanity

  4 September 2006

Zarchka reports on Onnik Krikorian's photo exhibition for Habitat for Humanity of Armenia. Examples of his stellar photography for Habitat for Humanity can be found at his blog.

South Korea: protest against Roh government

  4 September 2006

GI Korea blogs about the protest organized by the conservatives against Roh government on September 2. They urged the government to postpone the transfer of wartime operational control and revision...

China: foreign journalist notes

  4 September 2006

Laowiseass puts up a foreign journalist notes on his interview with Panyu government official regarding Taishi village: “They refused to let me use the restroom in privacy saying they were...

China and Taiwan: lonely planet

  4 September 2006

fiLi's world reports that some tourists travelling in China with the latest Lonely Planet book were asked to hand in their very expensive book at the border-crossing because the colour...

Rwanda: Remembering Genocide

  4 September 2006

Enanga’s pov reviews the book Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust, a survivor’s personal account of the genocide. Holding the sustained memory of the Jewish holocaust as...

Haiti: Cell towers and perceptions

  4 September 2006

Nightshift reports on his visit to Haiti, where he notices an abundance of cellular service antennas and where family members tell him to “tell my family members in the states...

Jamaica: Helping deportees

  4 September 2006

A newspaper report about a group devoted to helping convicted criminals who are deported back to Jamaica inspires Francis Wade to try and get involved.

Peru: Coca Cultivation

  4 September 2006

Steven Taylor describes his visit to the Amazon where he observed the cultivation of coca: “Some coca cultivation is legal in Peru and other Andean nations. Indeed, everywhere I stayedd...