30 August 2006

Stories from 30 August 2006


The most horrible of things has just happened to me….my RSS feed for the Kurdish blogs, well for lack of a better term..hiccupped…and all of my feeds are gone. So...

Jamaica: In-house terrorist

  30 August 2006

A Jamaica-born Muslim cleric who has been convicted in the UK for incitement to murder is about to be deported back to his homeland. “As if our gun-toting criminals aren't...

India: Linux and Coke

  30 August 2006

Nanopolitan on the recent move in Kerala on promoting open source and Linux in public institutions and how the issue is being fused with a rather disconnected one of the...

Bermuda: Education & sustainable development

  30 August 2006

Christian S. Dunleavy congratulates an old schoolfriend on his decision to repay the scholarship funds granted him a decade ago; and questions the Bermuda government's decision to pave over a...

Belize: Travel tips

  30 August 2006

A pair of travellers responds to the Belize Jungle Dome Adventure Travel and Vacation blog's request for travel tips.

Bahamas: The future in health

  30 August 2006

Sidney flashes forward to 2012, after the Bahamas’ government has implemented the National Health Plan towards which they are “proceeding with undue haste.”

Bahamas: Flat-earth policies

  30 August 2006

Riffing off of Thomas Friedman's bestseller, The Earth is Flat, Larry Smith discusses the Bahamas’ unpreparedness for participation in the current and future world order.

The Week that Was – Bolivian Blogs

  30 August 2006

Mundo Al Revés’ three hosts: Sebastian Molina, Carolina Bessolo, and Sergio Mier (Photo courtesy: M.A.R.) Blogs have taken off in the eastern city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia due to no...

India: Tourists in the UK

  30 August 2006

30 in 2005 on the phenomenon of more Indian tourists in the UK. “And these are not just salwar kameez and saree aunties who have come to look after their...

Pakistan: Bugti and the Nation

  30 August 2006

Perspectives on the current domestic crisis in Pakistan at Metroblogging Lahore. “While I mourn Bugti's death as a Pakistani, I do believe Bugti was a misguided man. He allowed himself...

Mexico: Gunshots in Oaxaca

  30 August 2006

Mark in Mexico, awoken by gunshots this morning in Oaxaca, has an update on the standoff, including a link to an interesting satellite map by Reforma.

Chile: Campaign for Bandwidth

  30 August 2006

Rosario Lizana and Atina Chile (ES) won't let readers forget about the Campaign for Broadband, which hopes to convince internet service providers to be more honest about the speed of...