Late last month a seemingly important stage was reached in the maturation process of China's blogsphere with the launch of, a new website bringing together—a substantial and pertinent alternative to's celebrity blogs—the leading liberal and intelligent bloggers around. Earlier this week it was shut down pending the site's registration with the relevant authorities.
Around the same time, China's State Administration for Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) announced a new set of regulations aimed at strictly controlling video posted online which, if observed, will effectively cripple the latest trend in the Chinese blogsphere, the creation and posting of video spoofs of cultural, historical and social images. The decision seems to have pitted SARFT against the masses, and most of the big blogging names around—many of which could be found on Bullog as well as having wicked senses of humor—have posted on SARFT this week.
I checked it out, and those breast enlargement commercials are gone, replaced now by even more sketchy shopping commercials. SARFT, in its hasty ban, eliminated some of the shopping commercials, for the very simple reason that those products were fraudulent. Although this new batch of television shopping commercials aren't for products on the previous black list, I still think these products are just as sketchy. A lot of the products featured don't have the effects as advertized, any idiot can see that. These were made after the fact. If one analyzes the SARFT ban, it's actually not hard to see that while they don't want to beat television shopping commercials to death, they also want to give viewers some peace. That's why they've worked out such a nondescript ban. In other words, where once they sold weight-loss formulas, now they can sell other fake things on television.
Ten Years of Chopping Timber [zh]
Han Han, voice of post-80s Chinese youth [zh]
Politics talk not allowed, within three days your breasts can grow as big as your head, in a month you can grow ten centimeters, as fast as an animal, have all your zits gone in just ten hours, foreign cartoons not allowed to show during prime viewing time, etc., all are the masterpieces of SARFT's management. Is this what internet video will look like from now on? Seems that from now on video shorts will only increase breast size.
For so many years, Chinese films have only been regressing, and not improving. Surely this isn't the fault of the filmmakers. Filming a movie in China is quite cruel; the money earned doesn't come close to public-private collusion in the real estate market and the many borderline policies they come out with; if you're not time, you can be cast as a criminal if you're not careful. And if you want to make a short piece, all of the television stations’ time has been given to breast enlargement and fake medicines. The only place left to put it is on the internet. In the happy-go-lucky world of the internet, there weren't that many people watching video shorts to begin with, but it couldn't be more blown out of proportion than it is now. Quite despairing. At least for now, when articles are posted on the internet, examination is not needed from the news and publishing authority. I still truly hope that SARFT, in expanding its management, will at the same time take development into consideration. Just like raising a dog, you can't lock it away just to stop it from biting people. You might as well feed it. When you let the dog out, it probably won't bite anyone. But if you lock it away for good, and don't feed it, then most likely the only thing it will be thinking about is biting people.
Wen Yunchao, author of authoritative weekly web news stories [zh]
August 10, Guangming Daily held a ‘Preventing Online Spoofs From Becoming a Fad Experts Discussion Meeting’ regarding the launching of a popular opinion offensive via online spoofs. During the meeting, State Council Information Office Internet Department Deputy Director General Peng Bo said ‘spoofs’ meddle with people's—especially youth's—thinking, meddle with the mainstream values many people in society obey, including honor and disgrace, right and wrong, as well as meddle with the current moral bottom line, leaving a vast number of netizens and the masses with a widespread discontent, feeling obliged to oppose Peng. In response to Peng's criticism, netizens said that if a classic work gets messed up through being ‘spoofed’, then this work couldn't have been so classic to begin with. They also had the suggestion that any work should be open to public criticism, that ‘spoofs’ are also another means for public criticism.
According to media reports, SARFT is currently working out new management guidelines for internet video, to be released in August or September which will attack and clean up websites that spread video on the internet but which have not received a license. According to the reports, if an individual wants to spread video content, s/he also needs to be in possession of a license to do so. The internet and media almost all have a slightly oppositional voice in regards to the announcement, criticizing it saying that podcasting is an individual's right, and that this right cannot be deprived just because of the existence of ‘spoofs’. Some criticisms also point out that SARFT is actively launching an attack in dealing with online video with the goal of struggling with the Ministry for Information Industries (MII) over jurisdiction in managing online video. Most people feel the internet should remain under MII's management.
MindMeters columnist Fang Jun: [zh]