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China: Blogs from the dark side

Categories: East Asia, China, Freedom of Speech, Migration & Immigration, Technology

Does it goes without saying that the internet—particularly blogs and BBS'—is the place to go for unchecked and alternative voices in China? What about those blocked Chinese-language websites hosted overseas? Many like Wenxue City [1] and 6Park [2] also offer blogs, and here are titles of today's recommended posts from a few of them:

Boxun [3] (博汛)

年轻时的诗:我是一杯最浓最烈的酒 [4]

Poems of youth: I'm a glass of the heaviest, strongest booze

茅境诗三首:读平昌老人《呼唤》 [5]

Three Mao Jing poems: Learning from Pingchang [6] elders

年轻时的诗:我与你 [7]

Poems of youth: Me and you

不好意思 [8]


枭雄黑道乱世的一百年! [9]

The terrible Triad's hundred troubled years!

七月鬼多 [10]

Ghosts abound in July

儒生论民主 [11]

Confucian scholars debate democracy

伟哉,高智晟! [12]

Gao Zhisheng the great!

ChineseNewsNet [13] (多维新闻网)

为和平主义下葬—-以色列开始战后反思 [14]

To bury the past for peace—Israel reconsiders starting the war

高智晟被中共抓去挤奶了 [15]

The Communist Party goes milking, arrests Gao Zhisheng [16]

小泉见鬼去吧 [17]

Koizumi [18], go to hell

法轮功搞不出什么新玩意来 [19]

Falun Gong can't come up with anything new

Independent Chinese Pen [20] (独立中文笔会)

面对强奸该怎么办? [21]

How should one go about dealing with a rape?

发给五岳散人的公开的决斗邀请函 [22]

An open letter to [internet writer] Bob Yao [五岳散人 [23]] calling for a duel

第四次谏党 [24]

Fourth time admonishing The Party [25]

我的转变和抗争—–在全球支持中国和亚洲民主化大会的发言 [26]

My conversion and opposition: my two cents from the 2006 International Conference on Chinese/Asian Democracy [27]

一个节外生枝的插曲:《忠告曹长青先生》 [28]

A case of new problems unexpectedly arising: Advice to Mr. Cao Changqing [29]

国民党军人刘篪和李植荣之死 [30]

The deaths of Kuomintang soldiers Liu Chi and Li Zhirong

特大司法腐败案件:回答马悲鸣先生 [31]

An case of immense judicial corruption: a reply to Mr. Ma Beiming [32]