Stories from 21 July 2006
East Timor: Rumors of Australian Involvement
Samantha at samanddaniel blog dispels rumours that Australia was involved in the unseating of former East Timorese Prime Minister. “I believe the recent trouble all comes down to the incompetence...
Brunei: Subsidies
The blogger at bruneiresources blog looks at the various subsidies that a Brunei citizen enjoys in the Kingdom. The blogger also introduces a local cartoonist's blog at the end of...
Singapore: GPS Tracking
Gayle Goh at i-speak blog is concerned about a new GPS based tracking system offered by a Singapore company. The company claims that the system provides peace of mind by...
Trinidad & Tobago: Nature sounds
Editing two books about Trinidad written by naturalists, Jeremy Taylor realises how deaf he's become to the sounds of nature.
Bermuda: The Premier on the bus
The Limey reports briefly on the public's mixed response — and often humorous — to Bermudian Premier Alex Scott's decision to ride the bus to work.
Barbados: Deputy PM and free speech
Barbados Free Press comes out strongly against Barbados Deputy Prime Minister Mia Mottley's call for “the curtailment of free speech” on radio call-in shows and blogs.
Cuba: Fidel's birthday concert
Pan-African News Wire reproduces an article from Cuban news daily Granma, announcing plans for a concert to celebrate Fidel Castro's 80th birthday celebrations on August 11-12 in Havana. The concert...
Jamaica: Emancipation and Independence
Charles Nesson announces that he is hosting a programme on the the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica on August 1 (Jamaica's Emancipation and Independence Day) “in which Jamaican leaders talk...
Kyrgyzstan: Osh
Breed writes about the charms of the bazaar in the Kyrgyz city of Osh and the lessons it holds for those who might find themselves in post-Soviet airports.
Kazakhstan: Flashmobs
LJ user tropical-rat engages in some amateur anthropology regarding flashmobs in Kazakhstan.
Ethiopia, Somalia: Potential bloodshed
On the appearance of Ethiopian troops in Somalia, Yebo Gogo writes: “I hope all parties will find a way to walk away before more blood is shed, but this has...
Armenia: Apricot Republic
Irina Petrosian discusses the omnipresence of apricots, apricot-related gossip, apricots as an indicator of inflation, and much more that has contributed to Armenia being referred to on occasion as an...
Kyrgyzstan: US to Stay
Yulia comments on the release of additional details about the new agreement between Kyrgyzstan and the United States that will allow the US to keep using the Manas airfield for...
The Balkans: Graffiti Photos
Mat Savelli of Roma Roma posts a collection of the Balkan graffiti photos: “So, while “death to all Croats!” might give the impression that, say, Mostar east of the Neretva...
Latvia: Riga Gay Pride
Vilhelm Konnander writes about the 2006 Gay Pride in Riga, which “seems to become a repetition of last year's chaos and homophobic protests in the Latvian capital.”
Ukraine: Politics in the Open
Wu Wei points out a positive aspect in what's happening in Ukrainian politics: “The only hopeful thing I can think of is that these days all the changing sides and...
Ukraine: Platskart Train Car
The Humble Observer describes a ride in a third-class Ukrainian train car, platskart: “I usually ride in second class, where the rooms have four bunks. But when there’s no tickets,...
Romania: “Spy Kids”
Doug Muir of A Fistful of Euros writes about “spy kids,” one of the legacies of Romania's Communist past: “Huge flap in Romania this week, as it’s been revealed that...
Pakistan: Astola Island
Adil writes about Astola Island in Pakistan. “Flying over Astola Island (Pakistan)‚ my first sight of the Island and the speed boat anchored in a bay far below quite took...
Romania: Photos of a High School
Owlspotting gives a photo tour of a Romanian high school he graduated from in 1999.
Belarus: KGB Letter
TOL's Belarus Blog posts an approximate translation of a letter allegedly written by a group of Belarus KGB officers, which contains “revelations about what happened during the presidential elections and...