24 June 2006

Stories from 24 June 2006

Turkey is Typing…

This week, we are going to visit Turkish bloggers in alphabetical order! Are you excited! Amerikan Turk talks about his racing (bicycle) this week. He spent Father's Day in a local bike race and was planning on participating in another on this Sunday, although his plans might have been foiled...

Landing at the Iraqi Blogodrome

We have had enough. The fearsome nights are stifling us and we now have come to hate the Fall [of Baghdad]; we hate Liberation; we hate Sunnis; we hate Shiites; we hate turbans and sidaras; we hate Jihad and Jihadists, resistance and resistors; we hate concrete; we hate streets and...

China: Four months later

  24 June 2006

Beijing or Bust blogger and documentary maker Hao Wu has now been in prison for four months for a crime that has Chinese authorities have yet to announce. More than a month ago, Hao's sister Nina was informed that her younger brother would be denied legal representation.