Yesterday was Día de la Patria in Argentina, which From Bmore to BA explains commemorates the end of Spanish rule. Jeff Barry describes the rally held in the Plaza de Mayo as “clearly a pro-Kirchner political rally paid for by the government” and even remarks that “according to the news, these bus trips for yesterday’s event were subsidized by the government.” Conservative blogger Rubén Benedetti takes a stab [ES] at Kirchner's call for “more plurality in Argentine politics. Javier has a thorough review of the day [ES] from all over Argentina's blogosphere. Lovers Go Home offers up the Argentine National Hymn for download to commemorate the day and Martin Varsavsky says [ES] that good old Peronism has returned to the Plaza de Mayo.
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Hice un fisking del discurso de Kirchner del 25 de mayo en la plaza.
Podés leerlo aquí:
Farsa de Mayo (Viagra Electoral)