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China: No lawyer for Hao Wu

Categories: East Asia, China, Breaking News, Digital Activism, Governance, Human Rights, Law, Protest

Access to a lawyer shall not be granted to illegally-detained Beijing or Bust [1] blogger Hao Wu, as seen in a post dated May 17 on his sister Nina's blog [2], in which she documents her increasingly desperate drive to see some justice handed down to her little brother Haozi, ongoing translations of which can be found here [3].


Got an answer.

今日下午,突然收到上次见面张警官的电话,要我到市局信访办公室见面,将给于我们聘请律师的答复。仍然在上次的小屋,仍然是上次的两位警官,张警官递给我 “北京市公安局渉密案件聘请律师决定书京公预审字(2006)1号”,上面写着“…….根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第九十六条第一款之规定,经审查,决定不准予聘请律师。” 尽管这一答复,不出我们意料,但我还是茫然一片,忙乎一阵,看来任何想寻求法律帮助的努力都堵死了。

This afternoon I suddently got a call from the Sergeant Zhang with whom I had previously met. He wanted me to come down to the police department inquiry office for a meeting, to give me an answer on retaining a lawyer. Still in last time's same little room, still with last time's two officers, Sergeant Zhang gave me ‘Beijing Police Department Decision on the Retaining of a Lawyer for a Preliminary Hearing of Classified Case (2006) #1,’ on which was written “…according to Article 96, provision one of the criminal procedure law of the People's Republic of China, following an examination the decision made is the case does not qualify for the the retaining of a lawyer.” Despite this answer, for which we were prepared, I'm still at a loss. After pushing for so long, it seems that any efforts to seek the law's help have been stifled.


Haozi has already moved now from detention to supervised residence. As the law stipulates the deadline for supervised residence is six months, the police should give the family an answer before August. But what kind of answer will it be? That a charge has finally been found to begin the judicial process? The family can only passively wait. Can the law help such a puny-looking group in facing ‘The People's Institution'?


There's no explanation for keeping someone locked up for so long and not allowing a lawyer's intervention. I feel very indignant toward the present powerless situation. Recently I've had a lot of friends express their concern. For certain, everybody's busy doing their part for Haozi. Even though I don't have a clear plan, if everyone could understand each other, couldn't we all work together? We must be able to find a way.