Via Virtual China comes news from China Web 2.0 Review of leading Chinese search engine Baidu's own Chinese-language wikipedia-style encyclopedia service.
“Since Wikipedia is blocked in China, we'll see just how creative Baidu writers can actually get,” writes Virtual China‘s Lyn Jeffery, going on to point out that the number of entries are already flowing in by hundreds each hour.
1 comment
I am often surprised to hear or to read about something happening in China, particularly when I never seem to be affected by it or noticed it myself. Probably because I can’t see or hear everything! Why am I suprised? I’m surprised because I have lived and worked in China 5.4 years and never seem to witness these things myself. But frequently read about them. Stories about the Internet being ‘blocked’ are always interesting. This one about Wikipedia having been blocked is particularly interesting. It’s interesting because I regualrly access Wikipedia; in fact, I accessed it yesterday. I do not seem to have any problems accessing it. Could there be random incidences of it rather than blanket blockage? Or could it be that certain regional ISPs try to block something, and others don’t?? Why do I have access and the rest of China does not?