India: Disability and Abortion

Inkspill poses a tough question and an interesting discussion follows in the comments space – “does aborting a disabled foetus mean you are not sympathetic to the disabled and you do not admire their positive attitude to life?”


  • stanz

    the govt of india has done very little for the disables.wheelchair friendly shops/banks/roads/houses etc must be built.a
    an education and an employmennt must be given according to his/her ability.every person must have a right to live happily and hope some action is taken.
    genes is a major factor and if u have a bad mutated gene please dont pass it on.ur making another suffer becoz of ur behaviour.

  • stanz: While I agree with your complaint that the government has done little – people with disabilities have the right to reproduce. It has nothing to do with behaviour. Most disabilities have little to do with genes anyway. It depends on the woman who carries the foetus – it’s her right to choose to give birth or not.

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