A.M. Mora y Leon hopes that the vote from abroad will carry conservative candidate Lourdes Flores into the second round of presidential elections. Enrique Mendizabal (ES) says that it would be difficult, but possible. In a comment, Giovann Alarcón says that he is doubtful of Flores’ chances.
Thank you for pikcing up on our Blog, http://Peruexilio.civiblog.org, but i must clraify that I, Enrique Mendizabl, did not say that i hoped Lourdes would go through the second round. Please see: http://peruexilio.civiblog.org/blog/_archives/2006/4/19/1896743.html
Thank you for following our blog http://peruexilio.civiblog.org but i must clarify that I do not hope that Lordes will make it through to the next round. Please see: http://peruexilio.civiblog.org/blog/_archives/2006/4/19/1896743.html
Thanks Enrique – I edited the text to make it more clear.