11 April 2006

Stories from 11 April 2006

Peru's First Round Elections

  11 April 2006

“Ubique Su Mesa” (Find Your Polling Place) by Patrice. With about 85% percent of the votes counted, the fate of Peru's second round presidential elections depends largely on the narrow...

Russia: Grigoriy Oster

  11 April 2006

Raffi Aftandelian of maaskva: nashimi glazami translates a few poems by the Russian children's poet Grigoriy Oster, author of the Harmful Advice: A Book for Naughty Children and Their Parents.

Jamaica: Homophobic blog?

  11 April 2006

Mad Bull wonders if the homophobic agenda of a Jamaican blog called Killbattyman.org is a huge joke — or deadly serious.

Aruba: Linguistic prowess

  11 April 2006

“When our tourists find out that those who grew up here can speak at least four languages, there are usually exclamations of wonder and marvel at our linguistic prowess,” says...

Smog in Santiago

  11 April 2006

Photo by pura naturaleza Santiago is a very beautiful valley. The mountains are very impressive. That is, if you have the chance to see them. Smog is a permanent problem...

Traffic In Viet Nam

  11 April 2006

The traffic can be a nightmare for visitors to Viet Nam for the first time. Believe it or not, there are transport rules but people don't seem really interested in...

Argentina: Borges & Judas

  11 April 2006

After a month-long blog break to finish a novel, Jeff Barry is back to point out that Borges wrote about Judas’ potential good side long before National Geographic.

Nepal: Violence in Gongabu

  11 April 2006

The strike in Nepal was dotted with violence. United We Blog! on what happened in Gongabu – “Armed police fired more than hundred rounds of real bullets as the bloodiest...

Argentina, Spain: More Music

  11 April 2006

Two more Argentine indie groups recommended by musical connoisseur Fernando Casale. Check out sample tracks from Sync Filmico and Alvy Singer. From Spain, 4024 Segundos is a compilation available for...