Stories from 7 April 2006
Turkmenistan: EU Trade Deal?
Peter of neweurasia discusses reactions to the news that the EU is considering a special trade deal with Turkmenistan.
Armenia: Turkish Border
Christian Garbis speculates on what may happen in Armenia after the border with Turkey opens, which he foresees happening in the near future.
Mongolia: Tom Terry-rist
Tom Terry has a translation of a Mongolian newspaper article charging Eagle TV (which is the Christian station that Terry runs) with terrorism for causing divisions among Mongols. Luke Distelhorst...
Mongolia: Protest Update
Luke Distelhorst has another update on the protests in Mongolia, including the news that some of the protesters are now on hunger strike.
Voices from Central Asia and the Caucasus
(c) Christopher Herwig – Impressions from Turkmenistan – reproduced with permission Welcome to the latest roundup of the Central Asian and Caucasian blogosphere, brought to you bi-weekly by neweurasia. As...
Colombi: Notes from last week
Adam Isacson has an informative ten-point review of the last week in Colombia.
Argentina: The Most Popular Leader of the Americas: Nestor Kirchner
Expat Argentina cites a new survey which calls President Nestor Kirchner the most popular leader of the Americas. “I think it is safe to say that, barring a very major...
Ukraine: Relations With the EU and Russia
Oleksandr of Messages From Canada writes on Ukraine's unique position between Russia and the EU: “Located between new EU members with increased production costs and Russia with strong ambitions to...
Ukraine: Office Fire
Petro of Petro's Jotter recounts an early morning fire in his office building.
Poland: April 1 Jokes
hgrodsk of Our Man in Gdansk lists five Polish April Fool's jokes he fell for: “Nothing is too absurd for Polish politics and life not to be true.”
Ukraine & the Balkans: Ukrainian as a 3rd Language; Cyrillic vs Latin Script in Serbia
MoldovAnn has started taking Ukrainian language classes: “This week’s lesson was conducted almost entirely in Ukrainian, and when we were all at a loss, our teacher reverted to Russian. This...
The Balkans: Karadzic Picture
Balkan Ghost of Finding Karadzic post a picture of a man who could be Radovan Karadzic: “If true, it would be the only known picture of Karadzic in the last...
Hungary: Elections, Economy, Society
Edward Lucas, Central and East European correspondent of The Economist, posts a very lengthy and detailed report on his trip to the pre-election Hungary.
Protests Against Violence in Venezuela
Today marks the third straight day that Venezuelans have taken to the streets to protest the murders of three, young Canadian-Venezuelan brothers and their chauffeur who were kidnapped on February...
India: Domestic Violence
Wicked Angel writes on the issue of domestic violence, on how it's ignored by most forums and how it affects women from all socio-economic backgrounds.
Sri Lanka: The root of conflict
A post at Moju attempts to pinpoint the events in Sri Lankan history that have vastly contributed to the ethnic conflict. The comments engage in a lively discussion.
India: Information Kiosk
Evenstar profiles Mumbai's information Kiosks that helps access free E-Mail, E-Banking, E-Greetings, Star Forecast, Exam Results, Railway Enquiry, Mumbai Guide, Movie, Restaurants, News, Health, Education etc.
South Asia: Shaking hands with men
Does a woman, in accordance with her faith – refusing to shake a man's hand account for a parallel to racism? Vislumbres asks some uncomfortable questions.
South Asia: Vulnerable in a faraway land
Sepia Mutiny has a moving account of a South Asian girl who is raped in the US.
Lebanon: Street Walk
Having his car in repair shop, Ramzi decided to walk down the streets of Beirut with a handy cell phone camera. What he sees are things you can’t notice while...
Libya: Outstanding Libyan Women
Hanu was recently featured in the Mideast Connect online magazine because of her work as Managing Director of the Tibra Foundation whose aim is “to organize community-sponsored supportive projects to...