7 April 2006

Stories from 7 April 2006

Mongolia: Tom Terry-rist

Tom Terry has a translation of a Mongolian newspaper article charging Eagle TV (which is the Christian station that Terry runs) with terrorism for causing divisions among Mongols. Luke Distelhorst...

Protests Against Violence in Venezuela

  7 April 2006

Today marks the third straight day that Venezuelans have taken to the streets to protest the murders of three, young Canadian-Venezuelan brothers and their chauffeur who were kidnapped on February...

India: Domestic Violence

  7 April 2006

Wicked Angel writes on the issue of domestic violence, on how it's ignored by most forums and how it affects women from all socio-economic backgrounds.

Sri Lanka: The root of conflict

  7 April 2006

A post at Moju attempts to pinpoint the events in Sri Lankan history that have vastly contributed to the ethnic conflict. The comments engage in a lively discussion.

India: Information Kiosk

  7 April 2006

Evenstar profiles Mumbai's information Kiosks that helps access free E-Mail, E-Banking, E-Greetings, Star Forecast, Exam Results, Railway Enquiry, Mumbai Guide, Movie, Restaurants, News, Health, Education etc.