5 April 2006

Stories from 5 April 2006

Guyana: Old time bird ‘flu remedies

  5 April 2006

“Almost everyday I open the newspaper…what I see? Reports about how many birds in which country sneeze, which ones had aches and pain and cough and fever and…,” writes Guyana-gyal in an unusual meditation on old-time remedies used to treat sick chickens and the person she wishes she could give...

Mongolia: Protests

Luke Distelhorst has additional photos and reporting on the protests in Mongolia demanding the president's resignation and more favorable terms for Mongolia in a contract with Canada's Ivanhoe Mines.

Bahamas: Hate

  5 April 2006

Nicolette Bethel traces the roots of some of the hatred she sees manifested in the behaviour of Bahamians to the island's history of slavery.

Caribbean: Hurricane forecast

  5 April 2006

Linda Thompkins reports on a recent meeting held to discuss the 2006 hurricane season and its implications for the Caribbean. The hurricane season begins officially on June 1.

The Week That Was – Bolivian Blogs

  5 April 2006

Lloyd Aereo Boliviano (LAB), the capitalized national airline, currently sits in the midst of a severe economic crisis, which may signal the end of the second longest running airline in the world. Since 1925, the Bolivian carrier, named after the British insurance market, Lloyd's of London and conjures up images...

Latin America, U.S.: “Border Wars and Truces”

  5 April 2006

Commenting on the U.S. immigration debate, “Sangroncito” notes that Americans can easily take for granted that they are warmly received around Latin America without the costly and invasive process that visiting Latin Americans must endure.

Jamaica: Intolerance at university

  5 April 2006

The beating of a young allegedly gay man by fellow students at the Jamaica campus of the University of the West Indies prompts Francis Wade to contemplate issues of tolerance and crowd psychology.

Jamaica: Debating PJ's proposal

  5 April 2006

Eon proposes a series of televised “reasonings” on the subject of the three pressing issues pinpointed by outgoing Jamaican Prime Minister P. J. Patterson as areas where the country's political leaders should attempt to achieve “bi-partisan consensus”.

Tajikistan: Bright Future

“Tajik Boy” comments on US Ambassador to Tajikistan Richard Hoagland's remark that Tajikistan is a success story and says that he thinks the country has a bright future in store.

Argentina: Wikipedia and Kirchner

  5 April 2006

Doug of All-Encompassingly points his readers to an article from the Argentine paper, La Nación about the recent virtual battle on Wikipedia to define President Néstor Kirchner. The Wikipedia page is currently locked.

Hungary: Budapest Parking

Pestiside.hu writes about strange ways punishing Budapest parking violators: “Not only are some alleged offenders long since parked six feet under, many of the surviving motorists are claiming they no longer owned their vehicles on the dates given. Others say they remember paying the fines but no longer have the...