Renouveau Congolais posts (FR) a picture in which DRC transitional president and presidential candidate Joseph Kabila allegedly stands to the right of Rwandan General Paul Kagame during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Kabila was allegedly General Kagame's bodyguard during the genocide. Blogger Dr. Francois Thsipamba Mpuila and several readers debate whether the picture is indeed authentic and whether the leaking of the picture will help or hurt opposition party UDPS.
I tried several times to look at that picture and I finally concluded that the picture belongs without any doubt to the actual Congolese President named Kabila. Belly Moke from the U.S.A.
We are africans period. Whoever partitioned Africa just wanted to divide and RULE.
Amin was Sudanese according to some Ugandan tribalists, Museveni is a Nyaru according to Radio Katwe, Kagame is a Nyankore according to some Rwandese !!!!! God, is the Prince of Wales GERMAN ??
Is the Kabaka of Buganda LUO ?? (meditate ndugu zangu)
Billy-Joe Sserwadda