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Afghan Whispers

Categories: Eastern & Central Europe, Afghanistan, Freedom of Speech

Afghan Reality encourages foreign forces such as Canadian soldiers stay in Afghanistan [1]. The blogger says

“Security. Security. Security. This is a persistent call for international assistance from the Afghan government, civil society and most importantly from the ordinary Afghans. How could peace and stability be envisaged without reassuring the safety of aid workers, citizens and elected representatives?”

Safrang talks about Europe & minorities [2]:

“Denying the holocaust, a relatively recent and well-documented historical event, would at worst be a factual error, no more than that. One would think that no country in the world with a rule of law and respect for basic human liberties criminalizes erroneous historical claims, or jails people for committing factual errors and expressing personal opinions about historical events. Especially countries that purport to upholding freedom of expression, and excercising and defending it to the point of insulting hundreds of millions of people would be expected to defend the freedom to express controversial -or outright wrong and stupid- opinions. However, expressing doubts about holocaust is a crime in 10 European countries.”