26 February 2006

Stories from 26 February 2006

Voices of African Women Bloggers

  26 February 2006

Mshairi calls for the abuse of women bloggers to stop! She recalls two recent incidents in the blogosphere where male bloggers “discussed and described women in misogynistic terms.” “The descriptions included ‘ignoramus’, ‘spiteful, angry menopausal bitch’, and ‘ruthless menopausal maniac’. All that remained was the blogger to call the woman...

Blogging Presentation in Zaghouan, Tunisia

  26 February 2006

In the Tunisian monthly blogger meetups, one of the issues that always comes up is what we can do to spread blogging even more in Tunisia and get more people writing and sharing online. One of the ideas that we came up with is by giving presentations about blogging in...

Lone Haiti-Based Haitian Blogger on Recent Haitian Elections

  26 February 2006

Yon Ayisyen, the sole Haiti-based Haitian blogger complains (FR) that he does not have an internet connection at home. But that has not stopped him from blogging regularly if not always promptly about the recent presidential elections. Special Rules for Favored Candidate? Riots over the possibility of a runoff in...

A Look at the Syrian Blogsphere

  26 February 2006

After a tense month of anti-violence campaigns, the Syrian blogsphere seemed to be quite calm this week… Discussions revolved about the new step from the US to give a $5 million to promote democratic governance and reform in Syria. While Joshua Landis of SyriaComment.com sees this step as a good...