Afghan Whispers

There is a new Afghan blog which promotes peace and non violence in the world. In Afghan Peacemakers we read :

The concept of non-violence as a method of change is new to Afghanistan. We know two ways to deal with injustice; fight it or tolerance, the second option was fine if I was the one suffering, but it did not provide a way to stop you from inflicting injustice on a third party. The Muslims could choose to endure great injustice. So that's fine, but on the other hand our religious duty is to confront evil; how can we do that. … Non-violence does not answer all questions. It is filled with contradictions.

Afghan Warrior talks about the US air strike in Pakistan:

We feel sorry for the civilians lost and we hope tribal people help their government and identify those whom shelter the terrorists. If the government of Pakistan is against the US air strikes on Pakistani soil, then the Pakistan government must take serious action against the terrorists in those remote lands so there will not be a need for the US to conduct military operations in Pakistan. We know that Pakistan is a close ally of United States in the war against terrorism, but Pakistan should prove it by actions, not words.

There are Afghan bloggers who got really upset by Iranian reaction when President Karzai cancelled his trip to Tehran. According to Sohrab Kabuli (Persian), the Afghan president says the trip was cancelled because of bad weather and technical problem. Karzai added that he would go to Iran after the London Conference on Afghanistan. The blogger says that some Iranian officials and Iranian websites said the Afghan government just got orders from US to cancel this official trip. The blogger considered Iranian government's policy in region is baseless and Iran's behaviour does not fit diplomatic norms. He says, “If Afghanistan is not an independent country for Iran why they send to our country their ambassador and accepted ours!”

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