The Best Literary Weblogs 2005 written in Spanish were selected by the members of Blogueratura, the most important directory of literary blogs in Spanish. The directory registers 769 blogs from different Latin American countries, as well as Spain.
The award first edition winner was Ánima dispersa, written by Mexican writer, Alberto Chimal. It was an excellent goodbye for this blog, which stopped being updated last December. Chimal opens 2006 with a new blog, Las historias, entirely devoted to short stories.
Second most voted was Enigmatario, which chronicles news from somewhat unusual viewpoints.
El Lamento de Portnoy won the third prize. Don’t miss this excellent Spaniard weblog featuring in-depth reviews and clever critiques of contemporary films and novels.
nada más quisiera aclarar que “Blogueratura” se escribe con “u” intermedia pues está en español. Es un error muy común pero cuando la gente se dirige a (sin la u) no encuentra nuestro directorio.
Muchas gracias por la nota!
Editor’s translation: Just want to clarify that “Blogueratura” is spelt with a “u” since, well it’s in Spanish. It’s a very common error but when the people are directed to (without the u), they don’t find our directory.
Thanks a lot for the post!