Stories from 29 December 2005
Latin America: Day of the “Innocents”
Mariano Amartino has a summary of blogs “celebrating” El Dia de los Inocentes – the Spanish speaking world's version of April Fool's Day. As such, Definitely Maybe announced that Google...
Mexico: Mexican Community Medicine
Enrico, a medical student in Guadalajara who grew up in Texas, has an excellent four part series (1, 2, 3, 4) on Mexican community medicine and how it compares to...
Haiti: Jean-Juste Has Cancer
Commenting on a Miami Herald article which revealed that imprisoned Haitian priest, Gerard Jean-Juste has leukemia, Boz opines that “the Haitian government should allow Jean-Juste to travel to the US...
Syria: President
Ammar says that syrian president still can’t make up his mind as to how he wants the world to see him.
Iran: United Kurdish Front
According to Paiz, Nederlands based Iranian, former Sanadaj deputy in Iranian Parliament, Mr.Adib, announced the creation of United Kurdish Front. Everybody can become a member and achieving justice and equality...
United Arab Emirates: Cheer for the cabbies
Secret Dubai says that hundreds of Metro Taxi drivers ended a two-day protest yesterday against 18-hour working days and poor working conditions after management promised to transfer them to work...
Saudi Arabia: Religious impact
Sabbah chronicles the social progress of Saudi women in the last year, and considers it a blow against Islamic terrorism. A woman won election to a seat on the “engineer's...
Tunisia: Bloggers meetup
Looks that the 9th Tunisian Blogger meetup was another success and everyone has something to share.
India: Terrorism and Bangalore
India: Terrorism and Bangalore
Bangladesh: Rally of the future
Bangladesh: Rally of the future
Bangladesh: Intervention
Bangladesh: Intervention
Nepal: Ceasefire and RNA
Nepal: Ceasefire and RNA
Pakistan: Earthquake
Pakistan: Earthquake
Sub-Saharan Africa: Blog Quiz
What do you know about Africa? About African bloggers? Find out with the 2005 BlogAfrica/Global Voices African blog quiz! If your score is 60% or below, make a New Years’...
Tsunami: Malaysian blogs reflect a year after
In remembrance of the Tsunami which took place at Asia Pacific in 2004, bloggers around the world were putting up posts to commemorate the event. MackZul dedicated a blog entry...
China: Jailed Journalists
the leaky pen writes about three journalists now languishing in Chinese jails: Singapore's Ching Cheong, researcher Zhao Yan of the New York Times and local reporter Shi Tao.
Indonesia: Economists’ Blog
Cafe Salemba is a group blog written by Indonesian economists, one in Jakarta and three studying in the U.S. Recently, they've been writing about subsidies: for education and for art.
Philippines: Jose Rizal Links
On the 109th anniversary of Jose Rizal's execution, Filipino Librarian collects some links to introduce readers to the Philippines’ national hero.
Thailand: Bilingual Posting
Fringer has announced he will be no longer writing as often in English as in Thai: “it is almost impossible to write in different languages without switching between two different...
Thailand: New Year's Party
At, photographs of a company New Year party at a country fair.
Guyana: A reptile at the bank
While waiting in line at the bank, Guyana-Gyal gets the chance to touch an iguana for the first time.